New Variant Ratios on TFAW

As a Spider-Man fan I always hated body horror Man Spider

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I asked CS last week. The warehouse is open this week.

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Yeah, I got a notice that an order was shipped out yesterday, so they were/are working.

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Over ordered or under ordered IF the book hits Spidey is the comic to overcome the print run issue. I’m copping either way that 1:50 Razzah looks good.

If Red Goblin taught us anything, it is that this is a guaranteed money maker. Including all incentives and store exclusives!



It’s boring AND a huge editorial fail. Felicia and MJ are standing on the side of the Dail Bugle. Y did this pass so many eyes and make it to print?


Just like Red Goblin, everyone knew about it weeks before the cutoff.

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One day… one day. In around 3 decades it’ll end up just like Venom…

What’s funny is, at one point Midtown had a huge sale and I loaded up on like 20 of Red Goblin first for like a $1 each… cheap gambling. Even if they turn out to be $10 or $20 sales, I’ll have made out…

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What also hurts is that Norman didn’t stay that way and nobody else took up the mantle. Red goblin will have to return in a big way.

Yeah. It could happen… since Venom can and has changed hosts… :wink:

It going to be a What-if scenario right ? Asking …

Yeah, I got an email that two of my orders were shipped; no tracking info though. Still wish they could have combined the orders to save on shipping.

Not unless Marvel gets rid of the Green Goblin. They could have really done a whole Osborn going mad, and becoming the Green Goblin over two movies, make him really scary and done justice (to the comic/character) in the movie, BUT it was a one (and maybe a half in the new movie) and done. Red Goblin, I dont think so … just corny, and too far fetched. Maybe an animated movie like the ones DC keeps putting out (usually with bad animation).

If you really want to spec on the new Savage Spider-Man first appearance and Origin is Non Stop Spidey #5 pretty low print run as it was cancelled after issue #5 was suppose to be longer than that and relaunched as Savage Spider-Man #1. There is a 1:25 you can find below $15 probably the best spec for the character.


There was like 10 comics on FOC this week (probably actually more, but very very few and no Marvel or DC).

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What I thought I ordered:

What I got:


I went by the photo they had, not realizing they were showing the B cover by mistake.

Learn your artists… never make that mistake again! :wink:

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Always go by the sku

Guess I’m not getting any of these, sigh.

Key Collector has the first appearance in 2018 of Savage Spider-Man. You said new Savage Spider-Man unless you are talking about a different character. To be fair it is impossible to keep up with all the characters. You can pick up this comic for slightly above cover price on eBay.

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