CGC to be bought by Blackstone

The military here in the U.S. is about as socialist a program as it gets… :wink:

Well the military is required per the constitution. Doctors technically aren’t BUT I believe that you cannot have a life or pursue happiness if you are saddled with ridiculous medical bills. I mean, a lawyer is appointed for you if you can’t afford one, but not a doctor. Seems odd.

Also, Doctors LOVE to ■■■■■ about socialized medicine because, and I’m quoting a doctor here, “I’ll get paid a 3rd of what I’d normally be paid”. Well, what you’re normally paid is an OBSENE Amount of money , and you’re charging that much because you know the insurance will pay it. Then our insurance costs so much money because of what the Doctors and pharmaceutical companies charge. And they get away with price gouging because they know that [insert politician here] will cuck to their bribe… sorry, I meant campaign donation.

Again, I don’t believe that all out socialism is the answer but neither is all out capitalism either. The answer is in the middle somewhere.

The establishment had better pray I never get elected to office because you can bet your ass I’ll fight everyday to pass the NASCAR bill, which would require politicians to wear a jumpsuit with all of their corporate and elite class donor names on it.

I’d also pursue writing a fair play act that would bar any politicians for voting, sponsoring, or writing any laws that would benefit any of their corporate or elite class laws donors that lobbyists are trying to get passed.

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Can’t emphasize enough the need for term limits to keep the politicians from getting in bed with big business.

Fun fact, this country was never actually founded on capitalism (economic system), but democratic federalism. There has just been a pattern of democratically enacted policies favoring capitalism for the majority of our history. No rule in the constitution that says it has to be that way, though.

Any government is inherently a socialist government to begin with. It’s a social construct we prop above a group of people to serve the needs of those people, generally. To pay a tax and have that tax put to some use benefitting the general public, regardless of the form of government, is inherently socialist.


What would you label the Canadian government as, @drunkwooky ? I ask purely out of curiosity.

I have several MDs on one side of my small family. They have always worked in Canada’s socialized medical system. They have all done just fine for themselves and they are not complaining about their lifestyle. I’m not so sure I would want a doctor who’s primary goal is to earn as much money as possible. I like my doctors to be wholly concerned with my health. :man_shrugging:

Or if you are dead…:man_shrugging:

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A parliamentary democracy, former commonwealth of Great Britain, and functioning capitalist economy with socialist policies to raise average standard of living.

I was born in England to a Canadian father with a Swedish grandmother. I have experience with people living quite free and happy under democracies with capitalist economies and functioning socialist policies.


I was thinking democratic socialist, but, your definition works too. :face_with_monocle:

That depends on your definition of ‘works’.

Capitalism is based off of perpetual, infinite growth. The planet we live on has finite resources fueling the current capitalist system. Capitalism doesn’t work in this scenario, as it stands today on this planet.