CGC Turnaround Times

CGC saw an unprecedented increase in orders. It was so much that they had to rethink their entire process. With this level of product coming in, that stuff isn’t easy. They don’t get to say, “OK. Stop sending stuff in until we discover a better way to do this.” It really sucks that turnaround times got so bad for orders this year. But, they did something about it. They drastically improved their process and spend a lot of $$$ to make things better. We’re still in the transition period here, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel. That’s something to be happy about, in my opinion.


I agree. I wouldn’t call on a SQL expert to come help me fix our Linux issues at my current job… they’d only likely cause more issues than fix if they’re not familiar with any experience fixing Linux related issues… and this goes vice versa, as a Linux guy, don’t call me to come help with your backlog of SQL Server issues cause I’m gonna do more harm than good… :wink:

I summarized my reply to them to keep my post short. It was not as generally based with the simple concept of “Throw more Labor at it.”

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I’ve learned over my years I just try to avoid telling other “businesses” how they should conduct their business. More often than not, I have zero idea of how they operate and what you think might work in your head or on a scratch of paper is no where near ideal until you have a glimpse of how such operations work.

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It was more of a personal venting activity since I have had books there since February…LOL… :disappointed:

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Hah, I got you and I could understand the frustration. I’ve done the same only then to realize that I wasted a lot of effort venting to people who a) likely don’t care and b) will read it, probably laugh or poke fun at me and move on still not caring.

But it sure did make me feel better at the time I vented… but nowadays, I try to take a more logical approach to such things. It’s just like TFAW, sure I can vent and complain about their shipping delay woes and now their warehouse woes (I had a package sit in processing for 2 weeks and then they slapped us with a… our warehouse is shutdown so it’s still there, in processing status) but instead just made jokes about the whole thing because honestly, venting does nothing as I can literally do nothing to help the situation. This is my approach nowadays to shit I can’t control directly myself in today’s maddening world… :slight_smile:

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I’m in the same boat, saw people posting about getting their books back quickly and I’m like wait a second, I swear I sent mine back in March or so…then I checked and yep…they just stuck in the “old” process. Sent my new ones in so I might get them back before the others!

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Sent in a batch for reholders - delivered at PO Box yesterday and just received acceptance confirmation.