I dunno…that video showing off how fast they can grade a book spoke volumes to me!

Just because it’s in a video doesn’t mean it’s telling the entire story… :wink:

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Looking back at my career now that I am close to retirement - I have been in middle management in large corporations for years.

I do not possess, and never possessed, that silver tongue needed in order to lie to the masses; or omit important details; and have it all be considered “not really a lie”. My folks (to my knowledge) have always respected and liked working for me. But without that silver tongue (looking at you Matt Nelson) & that marketing nonsense (looking at you Brit), I’ve been where I’ve been and it is where I will end.

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I have no idea why he said that. It does not play well in a world where many of us have 9.6s that look like 9.8s and vice-versa. If the books are viewed in seconds it hardly screams ‘quality and accuracy’ does it!


Basically what the CEO says by saying they can grade in seconds reminds me of the Black Sheep song… Strobe Lite Honey…

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After 20+ years in business, they’re still working on one of these 3 and bragging about it.
The glory of being a quasi-monopoly.
They’ll never get to the big Q. Not in 20 more years; not in 20 million more years


I’m in tech and we had the saying of… “Fast, cheap or good, pick two” because that’s what you usually get out of those 3 when deciding on hardware, software, etc. So yeah, they just used fancier words in that picture you shared. :wink:

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Well they got the speed part right, not sure about the other 2 :joy:


@agentpoyo @SpicyWasabi :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100:

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Sexting should be fun…

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If they fixed their packaging so I don’t get broken cases constantly; and they don’t use defective cases with scratches, blemishes, & rubs, then the additional convenience of texting them and/or having them on speed dial would not be needed except in rare cases.

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Saw this on Facebook

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Lost them…Buy them back???

What kind of F&*%ing resolution is that?

Did CBCS hire Max from TFAW?


Did you zoom in on the books? They are pretty roached to begin with. The $100 may be a good offer though.

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For those that haven’t seen the CGC screwup on my social media.

CGC misgraded my 2023 UK facsimile edition as a 1945 original and blew out the census.


After I posted the screwup I get this:

They will generously cover the postage for the reholder.


14 days…better get on that!

I think they have to “receive” it within 14 days too.


First of all, let’s consider for a moment that this is just someone ranting and it could be a fabrication made up just to bring CBCS down. There are a lot of wackos out there who get their excitement out of such things.

If it is true, Here’s the thing. What is the value of the raw book (cover?) plus cost of signature plus cost of witnessing plus cost of grading/encapsulation?

I’m pretty sure it totals more than $50 a book. May have requested a press (should have as there are lots of bends in the book).

So are they refunding the charge and offering $100? Or is the $100 cover the refund?

So I can’t say whether the $ amount is fair/not fair w/o more details.

What I don’t like is an offer to buy them back in the future. As a reputable business atoning for mistakes and displaying accountability, it should take the approach that they are lost, provide fair compensation (maybe include a voucher for a free grading on top of the value lost) and be done with it. If they locate them, then inform the client they have been found and are being graded/returned in a good faith gesture in hopes they can do business again in the future. But don’t lead them on as if there is hope. cut the cord.

Why is doing the right thing so damn hard?

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Forget returning and re-holding, you are one gullible buyer away from a huge payday!


lol he’s “beside” himself? I mean if it were a Silver key… i could understand. it’s a strange post.

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