So companies can silence WHATEVER they don’t like, or want to have talked about. That’s dangerous considering the internet is the modern day town square.


Just to clarify, it’s @Anthony 's world here and his rules. We moderators and non-owners who have admin access just make sure the rules and policies are followed by members.

That’s another misconception. Online websites that are managed, owned and paid for companies or individuals are not operating as a public space. They can create their own rules or policies. If you don’t like them or agree with them, then don’t use their website.

It’s like if I invite you into my house and as you walk in, I tell you there is no cursing allowed. If you curse, you have to leave immediately. So you state yes, you understand the rules and then you start cursing, I kick you out. You can go to the edge of my property and curse all you want with your 1st Amendment protection but it’s my house, my rules and my right to kick you out. A privately owned website is considered the same.

The first amendment protects you from going to jail (and even that has limitations, you can’t walk into a building and say you’re going to bomb it, pretty sure you’re going to jail if you did do something stupid like that), it doesn’t say you can say whatever you want wherever you want.

Anyways, I’m gonna bust out the moderator stick now and say get back on topic about CGC vs CBCS vs PBX. If you wanna talk politics, there are plenty of other forums out there that allow such discussions.


Appreciate the cliff notes cause I cant stand thoro and find him unbearable


You know, with CGC facing so much of a mess you’d think CBCS and PGX would be doing gangbusters. Instead, more people seem to just be holding comics and waiting and seeing.


PGX won’t see much of a difference but CBCS does have an opportunity. The moment comic tom & co start showing CBCS books and highlighting sales, the crowd will start trickling over. Not necessarily because they’re sheep but because they’ll go where the money is. The bulk submitters are submitting to resell, and in a down market, where margins are already slimmer, the CBCS drop in resale value makes it cost prohibitive to submit to them. If influencers start “normalizing” CBCS slabs as part of their collections and sales, CBCS could really take off.


is it the accent?

Without me jumping to conclusions, does this grade look appropriate to anyone? Anyone?
A 9.2 with a penned in name on the cover (not to mention other quite clear defects on the comic)

Sometimes I wake up in the morning and am just floored at either sellers misrepresenting and/or CGC doing “their thing” :man_facepalming: :face_with_spiral_eyes:


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Maybe they thought Top Cat wrote it on there…granted he’s holding a brush, not a pen.


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Do you guys remember when we suspected that cgc goes through our modern books in seconds? And Matt Nelson confirmed it in an interview? Well now you’re going to see it in action with your own eyes as cgc just put out a transparency video on their YouTube channel on how they grade 9.8s, 9.9s and 10.0s on modern books.
Sharp eye viewers will catch that the grader doesn’t even open the book, also brought up by Swagglehaus.

If you ever wanted to know how cgc grades your modern books, here you go.


They are grading a cover…

Difference between 9.8 and a 9.9 or a 10.0 has always been staples. Or at least it used to be, will need to watch this tomorrow.

The only reason to open the book is to inspect page quality (color), page count and make sure it’s complete.

The grade number is all about the cover.

This video reinforces my belief that 9.6s have been (in most cases) undervalued in relation to 9.8s forever. And it really looks like CGC is trying to prepare everyone for 9.9s becoming the new 9.8s, conveniently as they launch the 9.9 pre-screens.


That’s exactly what they’re doing. Get ready for a flood of 9.9s to hit the market. People are going to watch the video thinking I have a lot of those 9.9 books if that’s cgc’s standard for 9.9, so I better get those 9.9 prescreens in.


:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


How many 9.9s will have to be given before the 10.0 prescreen shall start in a couple of years… then 10.5…11.0…? :thinking:

Rinse and repeat and collect that money. :roll_eyes:


I really appreciate that this youtuber isn’t all fire and brimstone and hot take for the sake of a hot take like so many are. He presents the info. Questions things. But, also recognizes the realities of CGC and grading and human error/bias and where things are going.

I also appreciate the transparency from CGC on this. They probably need to be that way to try to repair the significant damage to their brand.

It does surely seem like 9.9s will become the new 9.8 from a collectibility perspective. Or, maybe a better way to look at it is 9.8s might become the new 9.6s. Might be time to move a few 9.8s. Interesting video though.


It’s just a number, stop over valuing and over paying for the damn things.

Hopefully this turns everything upside down cause all that video showed was what a joke grading is and how foolish people are that get sucked into the 9.8 chase. That gem mint 10 with a big crease on the cover clear as day in the video :stuck_out_tongue:


9.9 was extremely rare. Now, they are going to prescreen for it??? What were the odds of ever getting a 9.9 on a regular comic? Very very low. Now all of a sudden 9.9’s are the new norm? That just invalidates everything in the past. If 9.8 isn’t top dog anymore, prices will drop. Then, everyone burned will get disenchanted. This is a downward spiral in the making.


Guess they are hoping all the 9.8s will reslab. Why get paid only once when you can change the criteria and get paid a second time


crony capitalism doing its damnedest to rip everyone off. this can’t be good for collecting.