I’ve been hearing people say that CGC’s youtube channel has been pumping out more videos lately than usual, I wonder why :rofl:

So just this year CGC is finally coming to Canada to do some events for submissions, in fact they’re doing a few shows all over the country this year. They’re also doing events in the UK too. All this after 25+ years of CGC only focusing on their domestic business and not giving a shit about their international customers. For people who are saying all theses scams/scandals and incompetence will have no effect on CGC’s business I find the timing highly suspect.


I often wonder, if comic grading was truly in a competetive environment with several businesses all competing for your dollars with value, top service, impeccable quality, accuracy, integrity & responsibility that we all cherish; would CGC be existing today?

I think I know that answer.
I think we all do if we really think through it a bit.
And that’s the travesty of this entire topic. I actually don’t blame them for their lack of principles identified above.
We, the customer, don’t demand it

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Yes. They would. They would, are and will adapting to the changing demands, including accountability, the market throws at them. Just like any company.

It’s that they haven’t HAD TO adapt as much because of the lack of competition. Competators are only going to do the bare minimum they have to. It’s when the bar is raised on them by the market is when they improve.

The best companies are the proactive ones…however is they’re too proactive they can run themselves out of business as well in costs and fees the market isn’t willing to pay.

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I think we’re saying the same thing at the crux.
Maybe just the outcome could be different.

But we’re all in agreement, I’m sure, of why improve anything if the customer (via $$$) doesn’t demand it.


Looks like CGC is getting in the authentication game.


Submissions must be hitting record lows. Cgc coming up with new ways to generate revenue every other week it seems like.


CGC realizes CBCS has a better product and must copy it.


Not good for CBCS.

Oh trust me, they have been. I had my books two weeks ago turnaround in 4 days with non-FT. I have another order to send in at the end of the week from a sizeable collection I bought and with these books being in 9.8 condition it is not worth selling them raw and nice way to get more of my money back.

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CBCS def. not aggressive enough. They’ve dropped the ball at every opportunity to take advantage of CGC problems. I’ve been buying signed books to eventually send to CBCS and now I have another option…


How else do you think most people make money in this world!!! Take an existing product and put a clock in it or something!

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So, now we get to look forward to CGC cases having a Timex inserted into the label.

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Looks Ryan mid way of video is showing his new slabs that have a different seal on the side of CGC case. Guess this would help with not allowing opening slabs cause new seal will show damage.

Anyone else who has gotten a recent CGC sub back notice this new seal? Just curious

Yeah my last two submissions have this seal from the last two weeks. I tried to crack one of them because the grader was harsh Harry and it took a bit more work than in the past.

So with CGC acquiring JSA does that mean now that they don’t need to facilitate the signings and we can send in signed books that they didn’t witness like CBCS does?


Thanks for the update and your experience with cracking the new slab with extra security seal.

Very interesting.

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It seems like this would be the major news (cases) that would bring people back to them that had absolutely had it with them. → Me<–

Why would this not be a CGC news blast like when a new Signature Series is announced and I get an email? It just seems such peculiar business practices

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I’m wondering this, too. Because this addresses a negative aspect of 20+ years of cases they think most of their users hadn’t heard about?


9.9 prescreens and JSA signature verification is more important? :man_shrugging:

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Yea, that makes sense.
Under the assumption that a small subset of folks that slab or buy slabs; most are probably still unaware there even was a scandal/scam. So I suppose why send out an email blast when most of the customer base doesn’t even know there was a problem.
Aye aye aye

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What took them so long.

I’m not sure what you’re talking about. CBCS still does witness signings.