They did admit it was one of their past employees that assigned an inaccurate grade. So they did admit fault. So it’s like they tried to take responsibility from a moral perspective, but forgot the financial “guarantee” part of the equation. They basically had good intentions, but half assed execution on the follow through…

“We tried to get the grade back up…oh well, sorry!”


What do you guys think of this? Feels like this is going to affect third party presser’s business a lot as a big perk for using them were that they could offer you their dealer’s discount. This will no longer be the case.

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Personally, I’ve never been comfortable with the idea of sending in books under a dealer account. Risk is Not worth the discount, IMO.

I’ve read too many nightmares of people wondering where their books are and the dealer going radio silent,

Granted a lot of inquiries were people who submitted during the boom and didn’t understand turn around times were a year or more…but still, I’d rather just have them be in my name, sent in by me and shipped back to me.

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This impacts me 100% as all my submissions are through my presser with the dealer discount.
Not happy.
But when have I been happy with this shitty company?
I have come to expect disappointments, incompetence, poor policy, inaccuracy, stupidity and the likes from them since covid days. I’m happy to say they’re not letting me down.
Just glad I only sell their shit; never buy it.

Let someone else claim ownership to a heaping pile of plastic garbage. I’m sure not going to.


Affects me as well. I’ve never had an issue with my presser and he is very well established and does an amazing job. I’ll miss that discount.

Here’s the other thing…I truly believe that some of the long term, well known presser get a bit of preferential treatment and likely better grades. Could I prove that…of course not…just what my gut tells me.

I once called CGC asking a question…they knew my presser through the order number or whatever I gave them. He submits so much that it was a “oh…your books were submitted via so and so”…let me look this up for you.


Does this make CBCS more favorable price-wise?

All of this is trickle down from a publicly owned company (Blackstone) having bought CGC. The magical surge of Covid era subs has ended, and they are looking for ways to replace declining revenue. It doesn’t bode well for the customer, or the quality of the company’s services.


I will need to look into this and take into consideration the lower value of the CBCS book. Which STILL may make sense financially.

Generally speaking though, these 2 companies tag teaming on alternate months at either ineptitude and/or pissing me off is alarming. I need to start calculating the cost of my aggravation and hair loss from these two idiot companies.


Yeah. There’s that.

Other than some reholders, I’m not sure I’ll send anything else to CGC now that my credits are used up. The trends seem to be that it’s better to sell a book raw than invest and risks associated with grading/encapsulation these days anyway…


Great point.
One of the major reasons of the advent of grading companies (not the sole reason) was “ease”.
I’m finding the ease of dealing with random hobbyists for raw is less aggravation than dealing with either CGC or CBCS.
That’s pretty darn pathetic imo that the businesses give me grayer hair the random individuals do


LOL :joy:

This right here is one of many reasons I won’t ever submit a book to CGC. If it’s missing the centerfold which is a poster and affects the story it’s not a 9.2. The flaws exist they aren’t pretend flaws.


The “everyone gets a medal” equivalent in comic grading.


Is there something I’m missing from the picture?

He looks sad/disappointed. Did something not go as planned?

The comic doctor is a presser and would do live unboxing of his customer’s books when he gets them back from CGC. Someone sent in a 5.5 Daredevil 269 to get pressed and graded. The book is barely a dollar book even at a 9.8.

I was watching his show and people were submitting GSX 1, X-Men 142 9.8s etc. Then he pulled this book out and i just died laughing. The book must’ve had real sentimental value to the customer. It was just so wholesome and funny at the same time.


I remember buying from a comic dr years ago and their pics include a scan of the centerfold. Now to do this he has to open the book up and lay it flat with the centerfold down. Which means all sorts of damage from doing so. I’m not saying it’s the same comic dr but he should have had his comic medical license revoked.

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Why is this 5.5? This book doesn’t look 5.5…

don’t know, most likely it’s a childhood copy so it’s been read like crazy. I have the issue, it’s a fun book.

Has anyone had their CGC submisssion stuck in Grading/Encapsulation/Imaging. It has been in this status for over 3 weeks and I spoke to CGC and they told me the books are already graded. I dont understand the hold up.

I’ve noticed a slowdown, mainly on vintage tiers. Modern still relatively quick. Until recently everything was super quick so I wonder if they’ve let some staff go…