PSA’s president of their comic book division (aka head grader) is Mark Wilson. He is a well known dealer back in the 80s and has bounced around the industry. Apparently he has a real poor reputation when it comes to restoring comics but it get deeper than that. There’s also the issues regarding ethics. Here is a thread on the CGC boards back in 2013 regarding Mark Wilson. I haven’t read the entire thread yet but the first couple of posts talks about his shoddy restoration work, I’ll post some snippets.

Clay from Beyond Wednesday’s youtube channel is working on getting Mark Wilson on his show to address the controversy.

Why can’t we have nice things :sob:


Check this out, some positive news coming out of this latest CGC Banana Bendgate scandal. So if you guys haven’t been following, the shit has basically hit the fan. It’s being covered by every major youtube/influencer and comic book presser with a following. It’s basically everywhere and CGC had to update their official statement multiple times.

Then yesterday BigClutch on Brian McClay’s channel show this:


If you’re not sure what you’re looking at it’s how CGC submissions are coming back, wrapped in bubble wrap individually. Brian had speculated on his show previously what he thinks is happening is that possibly the inner wells might have been fine when it left the CGC premise but because of their new sealing procedure the cases are vibrating when they’re on the FEDEX truck on it’s way back to their customers. The wells are shifting and moving and causing this warping issue.

Don’t know how accurate it is but looks like CGC has changed their shipping procedure.

EDIT: watching the stream right now, it’s not individually wrapped but it’s bubble wrapped all over.

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Didn’t CGC already address this on the forum saying they had a bad batch of inner wells from the supplier and was a production defect, they found the batch and have removed the rest from circulation and anyone that has an issue can contact them for replacement/refund?

Pretty sure I read that a couple days back.

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I think so but you can’t trust what CGC says until we see some real actions. Looks like they’re doing something different now.


Doubt it has anything to do with their shipping method otherwise everything would be affected but it’s not.

Considering all books go through the same encapsulation process seems more plausible that it’s an issue with certain batches of the inner well production over their new shipping method.

CGC addressed this before most of these videos were coming out.

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No. It’s not that. And even if it was, more bubble wrap doesn’t stop the truck from bouncing. The cases may no longer move as independently from one another, but the box will still bounce and this the slabs inside and also the inner well. They just all go in unison now.


Seeing how this has been going on since April/May, I would have to think it’s not just a single bad batch…


I’ve all but stopped submitting to them until I am confident this is eliminated.

I’ve been catching up on mini-comics and next will be magazines, but comics are out, out, out.

I honestly and truly don’t know how anyone can continue submitting comics if you know full well of this situation. One knows there’s high likelihood of damaged books coming back and with the down-trodden values of slabbed books lately, what is the purpose of submitting comics to them now? I just don’t get it.


Shots fired


That’s actually pretty funny

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It’s hilarious!!

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I like the No Monkey Business jab at the end too.


tenor (1)

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I would like to hear from PGX. They had a bunch of controversies in years past and kind of kept a low profile. As far as I know it has been a while since they screwed up. They should take advantage of this situation with how careless CGC has been.


Honestly pretty unfair…PGX had some mess ups, there is no denying that, but they sure did end up having to pay the piper and folks have held their feet to the fire ever since. They didn’t do any worse than what CGC has ever done. I’d be pretty darn bitter if I was part of that company.


Why anyone chooses CGC to slab their books is beyond me. It’s like you keep going to the same restaurant to eat despite them shitting on your food… yet you keep going back for more… and you keep giving them money for shitting on your food! :thinking:


I think you mean it’s been a while since they’ve been caught. They probably screw up every day, but no one cares or calls them out. It’s expected/


It’s called TSTS. Too stupid to stop.

Too much money and interest invested. To admit they are 2nd (or even 3rd) fiddle now means you automatically devalue your own books.

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