Better yet, they slap their own hologram sticker blocking half the artwork on the custom label…

F’n genius.


2025 maybe the first year I don’t get a single comic graded since I started (2017).


There are plenty of “self slab” options where you can create your own label and display…grade your books 11.0!!!


If AI were dialed in to truly grade precisely, with no funny business for preferred submitters, it could easily make 9.8s all of a sudden much tougher to get. That could be the hard truth, but that would also make people angry and hurt business, so how much precision would actually be allowed?

Perhaps the only real advantages, hypothetically, are speed of grading and absolutely no excuse for not including grader notes.

2024 was the first year in a long time I didn’t submit anything to CGC. I’m still waiting to see how the market responds overall to all their shenanigans. “If” that market ever does.

At this point it would be hilarious if PGX came out of the woodwork and become the grading company that champions the collector communities and gains a lot of business. Like a Burger King magically turning into an In n Out or something like that. Honestly, with the other grading services out there, they really need to get on it and publicly attack and take advantage of CGC’s arrogance. No reason for PGX, CBCS and even PSA not to be taking business from CGC.

CGC has money and history so it won’t be easy and it can’t be done by crossing their fingers. They need to make a concerted effort with heavy marketing to take advantage. Not easy and not cheap but can be done.

Sears used to be the monsters of all retail monsters. Take a look at one of their catalogues from before the 1990’s. They were the Amazon of their time. They kept screwing up and where are they now…gone. CGC can be taken down and they would deserve that outcome if they keep up what they have been doing.

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That “president” Nelson, who is nothing more than a glorified head grader, has no business being the President.
There’s some serious incompetence with that guy and thus, the organization.


This is what I believe too. Most people submitting books don’t want accuracy…they want to be “told” it’s a 9.8. Even if it’s riddled with spine ticks they’ll be happy. Because “CGC said it was.”


These are the types who probably have “mom” laying out their undies and clothes for the day too… Shall we call these types the “Very Special Bunch”… VSB for short?

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CGC is a piece of work. They took down our thread on their forums discussing the price increase. Their forums have really turned to shit over there ever since they fired CGCMike.


No amount of price increase can convince me to allow them to ruin my books!

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Half the board has been banned for 3 months-forever or is in some form of indefinite content moderation/approval. A lot of it with no warning. Seems like some kind of AI led moderation with minimal human decision making. Those making the decisions have no context or knowledge of the place, so it’s just blanket bans and deleting threads.

Many have migrated over to discord. With sections of the board gone and more and more longtime threads disappearing, I doubt those boards will be around much longer.


Invite them all over here. They can discuss it as much as they like.


When any company/group goes to censorship or banning in any way to get any type of control you know there are big problems.


Constantly finding new ways to irritate your hardest of hardcore customers – :notes: real men of genius :notes:


If there was ever a time for a competent competitor to enter the market, now is the time. PSA is a known commodity in the collectibles industry, which is something CBCS didn’t have going for it from the jump. Really interested in watching how this plays out and how the market reacts.

CGC has shown what mistakes to can, of which there have been many. Fortunately for them, there hasn’t been a company to capitalize on those or learn from them. If PSA is smart, they’ve been watching and will hopefully avoid them.

Cbcs should rename themselves Beckett. Beckett has a much stronger brand in the collector world than CBCS


Agree. I think if Beckett was on board from the jump, things may have gone differently.


Per the owners of CGC website, “We strive to create value by investing in great businesses where our capital, strategic insight, global relationships and operational support can drive transformation.”

Just going thru the “transformation” still, I am sure it will be fine…

As a side note my dog doesn’t poop, he transforms dry kibble using strategic insight.


I’ve been part of big business for 38 years. This statement from CGC transcends (better than transforms!!.. lol) any load of B.S. my large corporation put out within those 38 years that had many troublesome years.
What a great way to say absolutely nothing and dazzle everyone with… nothing but buzzwords put together with a bow of sh*t.

They can’t even get their Marketing dept. straigtened out - dumbasses


All I want in a graded book is a restoration check, and an honest grade. CGC used to provide both and now put your books in a case with an estimate.

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