

Remember the hitchhiker in Thereā€™s Something About Mary



As soon as CGC sold to Black Rock that was the beginning of the end.


How I visualize the BlackStone brass told CGC management the way to handle the scamsā€¦ :thinking: :rofl: :popcorn:

9.9 and 10.0 UF4 1st prints will make the forget!

CGC is being really sketch with this. Itā€™s one thing after another lately.


Two questions:

-What did CGC charge the customer for than 9.9 grade? If based on FMV which there have been no sales so CGC they can charge a ā€˜1st Bornā€™ by comic laws? :rofl:

-Will there be shill bidding for this 9.9 auction? As there have been accusations for certain auction houses recently :thinking:



Long shot predictionā€¦

Whoever has GPA dataā€¦ what is the highest sold price for CGC 9.8 Xmen 1 during the covid boom?

Just checked CovrPrice they said June 2021 a 9.8 sold for $72K ā€¦ thats the level to watchā€¦

Will the ā€˜invisble diamond handsā€™ break through that high level that will make every ā€œpoorā€ 9.8 holder jealous and say ā€˜Time to crack my copyā€™ ā€¦

FOMO moment coming for FOMO ego collectors with deep pockets? A fistfull of bitcoins can cover purchases :rofl:


Not quite as fishy as no 9.9 UF #4s (yet!), but funny how in 24 years of grading, there have never been any 9.9 GSX #1sā€¦ until now. :thinking: :unamused:

Just for reference before the census starts changing.


The UF 4 stats tells us the WHOLE TRUTH regarding market control without any wrong doingā€¦ until there are big scams your biz gets hurt and walla UF 4 9.9s will be coming to public VERY SOON if I were a betting personā€¦

@Anthony 11.0 plans will be saved for another big scamā€¦ :rofl:

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CGC creates or modifies the framework of the scam; and the hobbyists ensure it remains successful.



These three videos backup exactly what Iā€™ve been saying. Any ā€œfloodā€ of 9.9s and 10.0s will be modern post 2020 books. Books that shouldnā€™t even be graded. Everything else is going to be essentially an anomaly. Most (Iā€™ll say 98%) of people with big boy 9.8s pre 2000 are not going to risk re-grading. So whatā€™s left are the 2% and how many of those will get 9.9s? Unknownā€¦but a very low percentage the older you get.

There will be outliers like that giant size x-men because statistically there should be a 9.9 amongst them with how many have been graded to date (12000+). Maybe CGC was preparing us for this with all the books in recent years allowing 9.8s with multiple spine ticksā€¦itā€™s inevitable but itā€™s not something to freak out over.

So yeah, cgc isnā€™t stupid. Theyā€™re hurting for money because no one is sending modern books inā€¦so dangle the 9.9s prescreen for those to get that modern cash cow going againā€¦.no one is denying that part. We all know and agree to this. Sorry (not sorry) for anyone who spent a lot of money chasing modern 9.8s.

Iā€™ll be convinced thereā€™s a problem when pre 2000 book values start nose diving because 9.9s showed up. (2000-2020 could be interesting, but still 99.99% arenā€™t worth grading anyway so who cares?). But I donā€™t see that happening. There are already 9.9s for many booksā€¦aI think this might hurt the value of a 9.9 far more than a 9.8.

the interesting thing is CGC is NOTORIOUS for damaging GSXM during encapsulationā€¦that was ballsy. Not one of the books Iā€™d mess around with.

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@D-Rog needs to watch the whole video

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Many will say ā€œheā€™s just a Youtuber looking for watchesā€.
I say heā€™s spot on.

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The thing that annoys me about this guy, and Iā€™ve watched several of his videos, is that he says the same thing over and over and over. This video should have been 5 minutes in length. All his videos are like that. Rambling and repeating himself.


Iā€™m not sure why I needed to watch the whole video. Heā€™s basically saying what Iā€™m saying. Heā€™s just going a little bit further In his thinking that everyone with a 9.8 will be sending in their books for a 9.9 prescreen. However I think that is unwise as I believe they need to crack it out to do a proper prescreenā€¦not only risking damage but if it doesnā€™t hit 9.9 (which likely 95% of them wonā€™t) I believe gets sent back to the owner rawā€¦so now that owner has to send it in AGAIN just to get it back in a 9.8 slab it was in prior to the prescreenā€¦and be charged for it. It could come back even lower after all that handling.

So I still just donā€™t see people lining up to take a beating like that for the bigger books. But people stupid things when they see $$$ potentialā€¦.thatā€™s why casinos and lotteries are successful.

But I think we may be missing the true genius of it by cgcā€¦.dangle the 9.9 prescreen to get 9.8s graded again. Thatā€™s where the money isā€¦.for every 25 9.8 slabs sent in for prescreen maybe one gets a 9.9, but that means 24 are now raw and you know the owner will want their precious book back in a 9.8. So Who cares about the onesy twosey 9.9s that you canā€™t even put a FMV to as thereā€™s not enough sales dataā€¦.when you can regrade 25 times more 9.8s that you already graded? That is Brilliant.

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Yeah, I agreed with his points but he does repeat himself.

Probably dragging out the video for more ad revenue, a lot of youtubers have been doing it forever and stretch out the video to fit in more ads, of course if you have adblock you donā€™t see the ads so the long videos just feel repeated and dragged out


I think itā€™s time to send this book in for a 9.9 prescreen!!


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been saying!

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Longer videos to my knowledge gain more money for those trying to monetize their videos. But yeah, I totally dislike the repeat talk as well. I lose interest real fast and if it takes you a lifetime to get your point across, then Iā€™m losing interest as well real fast.

So you have to be as short in your phrasing as possible on TikTok to do well and talk as long as possible to succeed with YouTube? Man, influencer life is weird.