Wow. To be that’s stupid to send emails to yourself of company secrets mere days before you resign…in todays world of forensics.

Why not just print them out, or take screen shots and then print those out. Or take pictures of the screen with a burner phone…? There are so many ways to not get caught…

If anything the choices they made are so dumb they might be able to claim ignorance in their defense…that they didn’t know it was wrong, lol…the George Costanza Defense argument.


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PSA needs to cut ties with Mark Wilson, there’s just too much smoke with this guy.


Agreed 100%.
The guy is as shady as a 100 year old Oak Tree. And the shade follows him wherever he plants himself. Every time


I’ve heard that Mark Wilson is shady as shit, but never knew what he did exactly. What has made this guy to be coined as shady?

I know his son runs the YT site Comic book investments and he has his own comic book auction site with his brother.

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There’s a thread on the CGC forums from a LONG time ago that gives a better insight from dealers that have dealt with him in the past.

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I want to know what this Sub Grades mean


Ok, I found out, I was ready to send in a pristine 10.0 Subway footlong cheesesteak.

Anyway, turns out in card grading they add additional smaller grades for things like corners and centering. They would have an overall grade and sub grades on it.

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Sub grades exists card grading (centering, corners, edges and surface). My guess on what CBCS wants to do is to give out sub grades for comics like page whiteness, corners, miswraps etc and gives them sub grades like a 10.0 for white pages, 9.8 for off white etc. So a comic can have a total overall grade like a 9.8 but the sub grade of 9.8 for off white pages. Buyers will pay a premium for a CBCS 9.8 with a 10.0 sub grade for white pages as an example.

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PSA could hire Danny Dupcak instead.
Hes as pure as Mother Theresa

That is really astoundingly dumb. If this case goes a certain way, what do you do if you’re PSA?

Is this going to end up becoming yet another of CGC’s nine lives/lucky breaks by hurting PSA right out of the gate?


I don’t think it’s needed. It’s really for people that can’t seem to look down at the book and eyes are stuck on the label. They need someone to tell them how 9.8 their 9.8 really is…rather than just appreciate what they have.

I think the labels are cluttered enough.

Unfortunately this hobby is full of those people, so I’m sure it’ll be a big hit.

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Honestly, PSA should just fire them for being dumbasses. If they could do this to their previous employer they can do the same to you. Just save yourself the headache.


Thanks! Now this makes sense why some dealers talk ill about this guy, he has done some real shady stuff with books in the past. How do these big companies trust a guy like this.


Right, but then who does PSA look for as head grader – someone with enough existing trust and clout to jump-start their entry into comics grading? Do they woo someone else currently with CGC or CBCS and risk another NDA breach lawsuit? They already burnt their bridge with Steve Borock. What do they do?

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I don’t really care about this drama other than if you send your personal email documents from your company, you’re violating company policies. Subgrades are not a new idea and anyone can come up with the idea but really? Be smarter…