Comic pressing

Is there a big difference in the quality of pressing among the different pressers? Do I need to go out and find the BEST or is it all relatively the same (as long as they’ve been around for a while and have a decent reputation)? Is it worth spending more money and waiting longer to get a certain presser?


Definitely look for a reputable presser you are comfortable with or by word of mouth. There are so many comic pressers recently and there is a huge difference in the results. I highly recommend

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Awesome, thanks for all the responses!

I love, and use him. His name is Nick and he has some employees he added as the business has grown.

You realize more than one grader reviews each book.

And if the two can’t agree, they bring in a 3rd tie-breaker.

So I don’t think the mood of a single grader is a factor.


My guess is typically the 2nd and 3rd grader agree with the first grader. Otherwise how do you explain how terrible books are getting past all 3 graders shown in some other threads are getting high grades. Why give yourself more work.:rofl:

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Some of the stuff we’ve seen lately makes me wonder if more than one person even looked at it. :eyes:


Well, they have admitted they are desperate for graders…so maybe there’s been a bit of learning curve.

I would think if new graders are involved, it’s automatically a three person operation until the noob has a consistent track record with the more experienced.

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Thanks so much for letting me know! I live in NC and was leaning toward him, so it’s really good to hear this endorsement!

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If they truly have 3 people looking at each book, it is clear that level of incompetency has to be trained.


Happy to help, Nick!

Anyone know of a good presser in the New England area? Preferably around Providence?

Avery Comics Pressing in MA

He has a FaceBook page at

that he updates constantly because he’s severely backed up right now because of the quality of his work, almost 2 months turnaround time. He’s done fantastic work for myself and many others.

He can submit to CGC/CBCS and will pass along his dealer discount.


I use Josh(Avery Pressing) as well because his prices are fair, like $10 a book and he submits to CGC or CBCS and you get his discounts

Just to pile on…Avery pressing (Josh) is top notch. I’ve posted a fair share of my CGC submissions in this forum and they were all pressed/submitted via Avery.
Yes, his wait times are up there currently…true testiment to his quality in my opinion.

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Feeling very overwhelmed. Could use some advice please.

I’m a sporadic small-time collector that enjoys the speculation side of comics. I recently went home to get my comic collection and discovered I have a bunch of valuable newer comics (around 50). Initially I was just planning a small pressing/CGC order (maybe 12 comics), but now I am feeling very overwhelmed and would love some feedback on what to do with all these comics?

I’m worried about boxing up so many comics (I don’t want them to get damaged in the mail) and sending them to a presser (a stranger I’m expected to just trust). I’m worried about which comics to press and grade. Is it only the comics I want to sell? Are slabs better than mylars for long-term storage? Is there a need to grade the comics I want to keep for my personal collection? Should I send them in all at once? Does God exist? Why did my parents get divorced?

Just an example of what I am talking about: multiple Darth Vader 3s including multiple incentive variants, multiple All New Marvel Point Ones, UF4s, Clone Wars 1s, and so on. I knew I had some of these, but didn’t expect so many. I also know it’s a great problem to have, but my OCD/worrying is starting to overwhelm me.

Thanks so much for any advice or insight.

If you’re that worried just send straight to cgc/cbcs and use their pressing instead of a third party. If you’re selling then yeah get them slabbed, if your keeping for your own personal collection it’s up to you. Do you like to display the slabs on the wall? If not and they’d just be in a box, I’d just keep them in the mylar, no sense in getting them slabbed to be kept in a box for yourself imo.

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The only exceptions would be those clone wars 1 and Darth Vader 3 incentives I’d prob slab to keep safe.

Thanks so much!

CGC pressing sounds like a great plan. I’m looking into it now, but do you have any idea on the quality of a CGC press compared to a private presser?

Its been a couple years since i last used them, Definitely convenient since its all in one facility compared to shipping your books to the presser and then shipping to cgc but not very good compared to some of the great pressers out there. Quality wise, I likened it to the McDonalds of pressing. :rofl: