Comics Going Bonkers

It’s been a great time to be a secondary market seller, I will say that. People will spend money on comics which will come to me. I will but more comics to sell as well as other stuff. Bring it on. (This round of stimulus is getting us a concrete pad poured and a new shed.)

If the stimulus is really going to be $600 per adult and child, I’m gonna open up some investment accounts for the kiddos…


I sold my 9.8 SW42 waaaaaaaaaay too early. FML.

I have been collecting, buying & selling old books, Playmobil toys, toy soldiers and antiques since the 1990’s. The past two years I have gotten back into comics and Star Wars figures. I always try to buy things that I have some understanding about and follow trends. I started selling at some shows last year too. With the comics I am buying and selling most for a quick profit. Plus getting some hot comics and getting them graded and then selling them for a quick profit too. A few I have put aside to resell when some movies or tv shows come out. It has been fun doing this. Especially this year with all the madness. I think I would have gone crazy this year if I didn’t have this to do. This year was one of my best years selling. The only comics that I am collecting is TMNT. So it is cover price or less for me for the most part.


That’s kind of how I am. Most of what I sell is toys, video game related, or electronics. I actually don’t sell too many comics (partly because it feels too much like work haha).

One thing that I enjoyed though is four years ago or so when I was running my own agency working mainly with Japanese and Chinese studios, I got to spend a few hours a day in the morning digging through the Goodwill outlets in the area. The stuff I like also happens to be the things EVERYONE tries to buy because they think every old game or action figure is worth money, so I started branching out some into antique books, LPs, sports equipment, etc. Learned about a lot of different things and it made selling stuff fun again.

This is no where near my best years flipping since I haven’t gone to garage sales or thrift stores or anything since March, but for people who are in areas they feel safe doing so or who have a backlog of stuff that was previously collecting dust I can see how it would be a bonkers year.


I used to go to auctions a lot. After a year of this I focused on books. I became friends with a book dealer and he shared some of his knowledge on what to look for. I have a few old classics that I kept. I have a small collecting of old books around 500. Hand written ledgers are cool. Anything historical related. I would pick up old comics if they were cheap. Anything that had a cover price of a nickel or ten cents for a dollar or less I would get. Pamphlets or catalogs of toys. Sleigh bells, broken violins just because you would get them cheap and they had value to get repaired. I did the auctions for about 15 years. My garage is full of stuff. The last 5 years I have been selling off these things that I picked up over the years. My main rule was not to spend more than 25% of what a item was selling for. So if I found a book or toy that usually sells for $100, I would not spend more than $25. If I need the money quick I could easily sell it at $50 to $75 and make an nice profit.


You made a hell of a profit though.

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There’s a sucker born every minute…

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Ok. I will bite. What is that Rob Liefeld book?

He is only selling it on WhatNot

Only available through his whatnot streams

Oh, wow. I mean good for him for selling them for that much, but odds are we are looking at books most won’t care about in six months. Talk about buying high… That can be taken two ways at the same time.

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I’ve watched his Whatnot a few times; it’s entertaining to watch him talk sh*t about everyone in the industry and fly off the handle and ban people. He does have superfans who will pay $250+ for Deadpool sketched Funko Pops.

I had to screenshot this from a few months ago; I don’t remember how much it sold for. Probably over $100.

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Is the new comic any good though? Like, did anyone even read it? Is this like with Bad Idea where the comic being a decent thing is an afterthought for fans? Ironically, Bad Idea did put out great comics but had dumb promotional methods.

That clip on the book is giving me anxiety.


But he’s a nice guy.
Someone I genuinely want to get to know better
Kind, considerate, modest, gentle, caring :roll_eyes:

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May I assist? :slight_smile:
Kind - Not
Considerate - Not
Gentle - Not
Caring - Not (except for himself)