On the rest of it though, I’m just sharing my experience. Without pressing, my ratio is way worse. And all of them- all the modern comics I send down are “This looks perfect to me” comics. For me, I’m just going to factor in the extra cost and time now in order to get back the higher % of 9.8s.
The financial differential is just SO punitive. I mean, that’s the crazy thing is how much more a 9.8 is worth than a 9.6
This is a perfect way to say it: punitive. I know the market is the market but I don’t get why the differential is so punishing for 0.2 of a grade. I may be wrong but I think that the vastness of that differential seems to be contrary to the personal collecting mindsets of folks in this thread (and folks in other comic collecting communities) who I consider to be the savvier collector as well as contrary to the other end of the spectrum, the FOMO-er, who I thought would pay premiums so not to”miss the boat.” I presume the best answer we’ll get is that the market is the market.
You know what I think of sometimes? Imagine you could show a civilian the difference between a 9.6 and a 9.8, then tell them how much that minor imperfection cost the owner in comic value. They’d be like “FOR THAAAAAT??!!” Lol
Unfortunately, I’m part of the problem, too, as I’ve paid the 9.8 prices for plenty of comics (Hypocite:roll_eyes:)