Other than DSTLRY making bad decision after bad decision. First releasing comics in a size nobody wants then moving from the best distributor (Lunar) to the worst Diamond.
SOB!!! damn it
doesn’t penguin send marvel books to diamond? i wonder if they will cut diamond off from orders afraid of non payment
Yes. And Diamond also gets their DC books from another distributor
This is going to be really bad. I am concerned for a number of smaller publishers and how comic shops will fare. Not to sound pessimistic, but this is a near-worst-case scenario I’d argue.
penguin cutting them off from marvel would end diamond overnight.
I have a store. Lunar sent this out this afternoon:
“Due to Diamond’s announcement today, Lunar will be accepting late 1/13 Image FOC orders from customers to fulfill their existing order placed with Diamond. Orders placed solely through Diamond will not be fulfilled. All 1/13 orders must be placed through Lunar. Image will be printing based on all order numbers that were received yesterday across all distributors. You must place your updated 1/13 Image order through Lunar by 1/15/2025 5:00 pm EST for your order to be covered.”
This means - as far as I am reading it - that Lunar will no longer be shipping Image books to Diamond. With Diamond owing PRH over $9,000,000 I have to assume that they will follow suit. Look for far more short term disruptions for stores that kept their Image orders through Diamond if this is the case.
To further compound the confusion of the Lunar email, Comicspro sent this out just a bit ago to member stores:
Dear Comic Retailer:
ComicsPRO is helping spread the following message:
If you order Image Comics through Diamond, your 1/13 Image FOC order WILL NOT FILL. You need to order those items through Lunar by 1/15 - this Wednesday.
More information in the Lunar Press Release.
We don’t know anything more than what the Lunar email says, so we can’t answer any questions. Please contact Lunar or Image directly for more information.
Marco Davanzo
Executive Director
What a mess! How on earth did Diamond with 9M in debt to PRH? I thought initially it was just the pandemic but it appears there’s much deeper issues with Diamond. They were always a house of cards that was about to tumble.
going to guess shop exclusives that went thru diamond and now are defunk