Happy Birthday Anthony!

have a great day. happy b day.

Y’all realize this Birthday topic is from April right?

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But he has 364 (and this year 365) UN-birthdays to celebrate…

Every day is your birthday if you want!

Yeah. What made this topic come back to life?

Me trying to get presents,

Is this a bi annual event now?

Happy birthday!!

it is now lol

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People not paying attention to dates… :wink:

Hope you get more birthday gifts today than you did on the 24th April :wink:

Yeah cause I didn’t get any in April. Honestly this thread is a bit of a meme at this point. So happy birthday to me. Lol.

I think he’s living on Mercury…

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I accept full responsibility for this one folks, lol. This thread was “suggested” at the bottom for me. I clicked on it and replied before I realized the thread was so old. Sorry! :crazy_face:


If Anthony was on Mercury he’d celebrate roughly 4 times a year then…

No worries. I’ve been on forums where the members would get their panties all knotted up on people reviving old threads and topics (which I never understood why). That crap will never be an issue here. I have no problems with members reviving old topics.

It’s ok it has been fun.


I am half a year old on Uranus.

U R an Anus :crazy_face: