Wow unknown is new to me but so far they have been on point.
I used to order from them almost exclusively, but there was a time last year when their orders were taking 2 weeks to ship and i had a pull list with my LCS anyways. Nearly all comics were 9.6 or better.
I still order from them on and off, I’ve gotten some of the Batman 1:25 covers for below ratio and they are clearly 9.8 candidates. They package well too.
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Nah I’d stick with them and order the dates properly. I did that where I had various dates waiting for all to drop before they send. My suggestion stay with em and do ur LCS at least u cover your bases.
To update the original post, TFAW replaced the four books they still had in stock and refunded the other 16 books plus shipping no issues at all.
Although since it’s only 4 books I may get the dreaded flimsy envelope.
And works out well for them as they get it back (and more) when my next batch of pre-orders processes tomor.
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