Iman Vellani cast as Ms. Marvel

She’s 18 right? Isn’t that around the age of Kamala in the comics?

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Yep but she looks like she is 12

Then that’s great, she won’t age so fast between seasons and movies… :wink:


Yea if you plan on 10-15 years ahead you need young.

Right. Shes young now. Give it 18months later show drops etc she wont age out of the character. Not like they start filming next week.

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She doesn’t look like Kamala from the comics to me


Im no expert, buuuuut…

…she does look like her.

Pretty costume accurate if I say so

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Maybe we should tell the artists to start drawing her in the comics based on the new actress then… :wink:

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We should probably refrain from any fat shaming of this actress please… There’s nothing wrong with her or her size.


Shiiiiit nothing wrong with her body. I know some probably want all the actresses thin and unshapely but it’s kinda hard for some women who have curves to fit the standard set before.

Don’t love the body shaming.


Why was this flagged?

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If we can’t talk about her thighs can we talk about her knee pads😬

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Let’s just talk about Ms. Marvel and or the actress herself in the role. I handled the flagged posts from members who deemed them “inappropriate”. I was going to leave them as I already said, let’s not body shame others but come on people…

Alright, back on topic please.

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It’s not body shaming it’s bad casting she’s barely taller than the police barricade. I just got done playing Avengers a great game with a exact representation of the character Kamala Khan, this just looks like a cosplayer.


Actually, it was. You went a little far. If you only stated that she looks like a cosplayer in the leaked photos, tha’ts one thing… but come on, throwing up kankle memes, that’s body shaming…

Alright, back on topic. Any more fat jokes and I’m shutting her down. If you wanna argue about the actions taken here, then, go read our rules again, cause you are breaking them.

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lol i just got flagged, for calling people who body shame teenage girls fat