Mandatory Watch For Comicbook Newbies

I have some friends who are into comics who keep buying 9.8 CGC modern bull$h** and i feel bad when i try to broach the topic about how that stuff will never pay off, but it’s not easy to tell someone something they don’t want to hear.

I have never watched many comic people on YouTube, and i probably saved myself 1,000s of dollars just by avoiding it. I watch Spider Slayer Mike for reviews, but that’s about it.

The only use, to me, of most new books are just to flip and move on.

Too bad there’s no money or clicks in telling people not to spend their money.


I’ve been waking half a decade for Josh Middleton to do a signing…I have a few favorites I wouldn’t mind signed/slabbed like Batgirl 23.

I might as well buy a signed copy on eBay at this rate…

Wow, a raw copy is creeping up to $100 on eBay these days…