Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

Red x issues selling: fs tt 1 & 2, tt academy 1.

that Nguyen cover on #2 is fireeeee. I like the jamal variant too


Yeah, luckily I have at least 30 of those. I also like the 2nd print for #1.


Iron man 17 was on MCS for about 2 seconds.

Didn’t even make it to checkout.

Strange Academy 16 followed shortly…expecting HRA 13 to not last too long either.

Moon knight 6 2nd print didn’t show up. I looked on Collector Cave last night and they had 99 copies. Just a moment ago they had 3. So i grabbed them.

I may see the books above tomorrow, but doubt I’ll see a MK6 2nd in my area.

Just a quick question about Iron Man #17 Sway variant.

I’m new to FOC ordering, actually getting my first order this week.

With this particular book, was there a lot of buzz about it pre FOC date?

I don’t think so. Not until allocation was mentioned due to problems at the printer.

@agentpoyo cue the meme…

art wasn’t even available when I did my FOC order – a lot of times you just have to order with your gut based on the artist. I follow spec closely and still miss a lot of things. It’s no surprise that the local mom and pop shops just stick with A covers for the shelves and don’t risk getting stuck with dead inventory. But they also miss out on hot books.

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The Art was released after FOC so no buzz until the art showed up.


But was there even buzz after that? Before allocation was mentioned? I don’t recall the cover even being mentioned until t he big A word was thrown out.

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actually it was late monday night

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There was some chatter about that Iron Man book, and while there are never guarantees, anything RiRi related seems to generate hype eventually. It simply takes a mild bit of hype to get the snowball rolling after the fact. There was really no reason for shops to order many copies of an unpopular title, B cover, sight unseen.

We talked about it here once the cover was revealed. There was interest. I added to my pull list.

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Dont pass on the Photon/Captain Marvel Sway also. Not talked about much, but if she pops up in the movies down the road, this cover could be a long term hold. Also, the art isn’t too shabby.


Pretty much all the Sway Black History Month covers are a must grab.


Yeah, they’ll likely end up like the Hip Hop variants.

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I sold two of the Sway Miles covers for $70 total, not bad for $3.99 each before discount and taxes.


Looks like a Indy