Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)


Maybe I missed something; are given names proprietary now?

Unless he made it up, he must have understood the reference. If he chose to use it, it would be his right to do it. But to expect that he woudnt catch flak for it based on how he used it, is a mistake on his part. Looks like he owned up to it, recognized the flak, and chose the path he wanted to take to address it.

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Now the question is what the new name they use will be and if this issue gets some spec heat for controversy and never being reprinted in its original form like Bruce Wayne’s appendage in, “Batman: Damnned,” or such. I haven’t seen that much hubbub so maybe not?

On Instagram from Ryan Stegman.

Will this post get the same flak that Joshua Williamson’s post got about Angel Breaker? My guess is no, because Marvel.



Is that the 1:500 ?

store exclusive through comic mint

TheComicMint shared store variant

Oh boooooo

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I’ll spare everyone the meme.

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Market update:

Avengers Forever 3 is heating up. Copies selling in the $15 range.
King Conan 3 (Pocahontas issue) is seeing a little heat. Suspicious lone $49 sale, moving all the copies up in price.

I’ve noticed today that SWHRA 2 has a TON of sales this morning. Something is up. As far as I know our boy JimComics (Jim73) hasn’t released his latest High Republic video yet so don’t know what’s going on here.


Adventures has been selling well over the last week or two. Savvy speculators are buying up what’s available for hr #1 and adventures 2. It started after the 2nd episode of the show about high republic’s future and a look at some of the production process.


I bought a bunch of copies off Villaingaming, thinking I better get it now before it’s too late. I’ve always noticed it selling well but it kinda popped today. Saw about 13 sales for HRA 2 this morning out of nowhere. Usually it sells well but feels like something is up. You might be right. Also maybe the current series Eye of the Storm is being well received and causing people to seek out this issue.


What? I am definitely not jimscomics my friend?. He lives in CAD I am in WA…What makes you think I am jimscomics lol???


Clearly, all Jim’s know each other. I kid, but I’m sure Poyo could verify with his tech wizardry that @jim73 is a totally different person.


I’ve suspected this for years…. :wink:

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I could but I’m not… :wink:

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that bad title 9.8 left so much money on the table

Should have added some flames and “cgc it”


“Slab it, guaranteed 9.8!” See that phrase a lot.