I’m $783 in on the comics portion of the kickstarter myself. When he announced the covers would not be used on any other comics, I was sold. Just looking at sales of his first series and those individual issues, it was a no brainer to spend $25 per comic.
The way I figure it, now that CGC really isn’t worth spending money on, I’ll just spend that money on something I will enjoy and something that when I’m ready to move on, I can move for some profit.
This doesn’t even count what I spent when he offered several unopened boxes of his different card series on the kickstarter. These are super limited and can’t find any boxes anywhere. He had a few left and I’m sure they all sold out by now.
The only special editions I went in on are the GPK and 1C Metal with the others being regular KS editions. Another person posted a request for a Christmas cover because the KS ends on Christmas Eve and he seemed very interested in doing that in his response.
Very happy they’ll be cardstock covers too! Maybe we’ll get another stretch goal
I’m at the point if I’m not making money with an immediate flip, I ain’t putting much more than cover price into something.
I got too many books as it is. 2025’ motto is going to be if one comes in, two must leave…
I don’t need the money, and the obtainable keys aren’t going up in price any time soon…so I can relax a bit and not be so aggressive. I’ll let books fall into my lap.
yeah, I know it’s very early, yeah I know we have our bases covered and talked about it ad nauseum but that Ultimate Universe One Year In #1 is getting tons of chatter and hype so get them ready or if you decided to pass on it, get one lined up. (the spoiler variant)
You can also get one at midtown still if you need an extra
I wonder if the Marvel Comics Presents issue that the spoiler variant is based off of will catch some heat too? That is not an expensive back issue right now.
Hulk 180 is the genesis of Wolverine and all derivatives thereof. This character is just another derivative of Wolverine and potentially Bucky as well, if the rumor that Bucky Barnes = Ultimate Wolverine holds water. I think the cover on this book matters less than we think it does, over time.