This is what mile high uses for their pricing of newsstands.
Also if it’s a popular title like Batman, X-Men, etc they’ll sell what’s on the chart or more for commons. It’s really hard to say as the data is limited. I’d say 1/4 of the time there not even listed as newsstands so it’s extra hard to sort through them. I know those later ones are super rare. I believe now is the time to get these books. I believe there going to catch on very soon. We all know half the thrill of getting a book is the hunt and these are fun and difficult to find. I feel awful in my stomach because someone recently listed a New X-Men 128 First Fantomex cgc 9.8 newsstand for $140. I offered him $100 but alas he didn’t even respond. There’s a signed 9.4 of the same book but it’s PGX. That and I don’t like signed books unless it’s something I’ve gotten signed personally. Which won’t happen as I’ve only been to wizard world philly a few years ago and was broke at the time so…sorry to ramble don’t talk to a lot of people and love talking comics.
Ramble on, my friend. You’re in the right place for talking comics.
That Milehigh chart is interesting. I was curious about the pricing of post non key 2000 newsstands as I haven’t really dealt in those later newsstands, yet. Im all about the CPVs as I am located near the largest distribution market for those books, so, I have access to find them somewhat regularly. I dont shop online for spec purposes as the shipping fees really hurt my bottom line, so I tend to buy books in person only. LCS’ and smaller shows.
Heh… Exactly the reason we started the forums. Like jclu said… Keep on rambling.
Ramble on. So according to that chart Avengers 196 news stand is 2x its listing where as Ghost rider v 2 #28 is 4x its listing? Would that be overstreet?
I believe Overstreet factors in but I think adding in recent online sales is going to part of it as well. It’s from Mile High Comics and it’s how they price their newsstands.
@ToddW you mentioned mile high, are you in colorado? I know they are pretty big and you can get anything on the internet from anywhere, but it sounded like you were more familiar with them.
No actually not in Colorado and have never ordered from mile high. I was in contact with them via email about newsstands and what they charge though. Unless your looking for something for your personal collection their prices are high on all newsstands. So no money to be made ordering from them.
If you guys haven’t figured out how to find them cheap I can tell you my technique which is long and tortuous but shows good results. I do very general comic searches on eBay and go through the results and find them that way. Lot would be one of my favorites to search but it’s very time consuming. If your searching newsstands you’re going to be annoyed by how many direct editions are described as newsstands. As well if their described that way the people more than likely know what they have and price accordingly. That’s not always true as I’ve recently picked up a high grade Witchblade 10 newsstand that was $9 with shipping. They knew it was a newsstand and first appearance but must not of known the rarity. I sold a lower graded copy a month or two ago for over $80. Another thing I do is save searches and look through the results several times daily. Everything I’ve gotten to sell has cost no more than $3 each oftentimes less. I even have a saved search for newstand, which is misspelled but a fair amount of people misspell it. Tedious but it’s filled two long boxes so far.
Shoot there’s a high grade 52 Week 7 on eBay that’s a newsstand and first Kate Kane. It’s not described that way but he knows what he has as I needed clarification because two different books were pictured and it was addressed and fixed. There’s a few really nice Spider-Man 700 newsstands on there as well. I’m bidding but pretty sure the prices will go pretty high. Gives us more data though.