Retailer Thoughts on the Diamond Shutdown / Not Just For Retailers

Yes some…but is some enough to be worth sustaining it?

I’m just one fish in the sea…but I have never, and will never go to digital for comics. Sure I love the stories, but there is something about having a tangible item in hand. I’m the same way with printed books. I’ve never read a digital book or listened to an audio book.
Frankly, I don’t see how people can handle audio books. I’d spend more time rewinding than anything else.

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A lot of times when I want to escape ‘screen time’, I will go to my comic book reading pile. Digital comics won’t afford me that luxury.

I actually read all my Marvel books digitally. I redeem the code and tuck them away in the longbox if keeping them.

It’s nice to have the luxury of reading a comic from phone, tablet or laptop when I got a few minutes of nothing else to do or waiting…

Now, digital comics hold zero value as a collectible. Unless they were designed like bitcoin where each is unique with only so many available… but that won’t happen.

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I can’t read books digitally myself. Comics yes, since they have art and pictures. Audio books, meh, I start drifting off and thinking about other things. The ony time I was able to do an audio book was when I listened to Dilbert Principle on a trip to Dallas for a week of training there for work. Finished half on the way there and half on the way back. Wasn’t your normal book cause it just had me cracking up the entire time.

But books, actual novels… I have to have the book in hand, turning the pages. I’ve tried digital books, can’t do it.

I just have an issue paying for something that isn’t truly tangible. Too much uncertainty with that stuff. Videos immediately come to mind. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy Vudu and when I buy DVDs, I always utilize the digital codes…but I can’t understand paying money for “just” a digital code. If those varied platforms go bankrupt…you are left with nothing. They aren’t even cheaper???

Maybe just my age as well, but I like “stuff”. I want to hold a book. I want to have a cabinet full of videos to look at. I like seeing my long boxes full of comics.

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I read a real magazine when I’m sitting on the toilet … I read a real book before I fall asleep at night … I read a real comic when I want to read a comic …

Nothing beats the tactile feel of turning a page, especially if you’re at a particularly good part …

The battery does not run down, they can be taken anywhere, no electricity is required, other than light …

As a boy, I grew up with the likes of Poe, Verne, Twain and many, many other old printed friends … I am a Reader, of Paper … simple as that … :vulcan_salute:

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Diamond called me today, wondering why I had not completed the “survey” … here’s what it says ::

Are you

currently experiencing a “shelter in place” order or similar closure at your business address?

currently open normally at your business address?

currently able to accept deliveries at your business address?

currently open for walk-in customers?

currently allowing curbside pickup?

currently delivering to local customers?

currently offering gift card sales to customers who can’t visit your store in person?

I told them that I thought the survey was stupid, I had better things to do and what was it supposed to accomplish anyway … ?? I’m not a child …

“Paper…Try to Imagine Life Without It.”

This PSA was brought to you by the Michael Scott Paper Company.


I never really got into, “The Office.” It was weird as I tend to like cringe-style humor. I just wasn’t vibing with it. Now, “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” continues to be a favorite of mine…

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To me, their survey sounds like they’re trying to get a list of customers info so they can use to their advantage in some way… particularly since now we’re hearing them talk about cash flow issues and not paying their own vendors/publishers what they’re owed.


I buy the disks on black friday, pull the digital codes, and resell the disks, have been doing it for years. I do not care for media collections in general except the few records I have

Like I said, it’s the Family Way … Steve will wrangle as much as humanly possible out of the "Stimulus’ … he’s got plenty of dough, owns a good chunk or the Baltimore Orioles (last I heard) along with a list of other enterprises …

He once cut a deal with Bob Montana (Archie artist) to buy Bob’s original artwork for $1 Mil … half of what it was worth at the time … Geppi stopped paying and kept the collection after shelling out just half what he agreed to …

Here he is in his preferred garb ::

I checked every box. Then filled out another with none checked off

Don’t you have to remove the sticker to redeem the code? Making the book worthless?!

Book isnt worthless… But then again, I pull the sticker up far enough to redeem the code and push it back down, close book, throw in bag and board and into the longbox. I checked a book months later once and noticed the sticker was stuck as if it was never removed.

Even if a corner sticks up if partially pulled to view, but isn’t entirely removed… Does that qualify that its still intact? My magic 8 ball says yes… :wink:

Doesn’t that Geppi fellow have one of the largest/most valuable collections of comics in the world? Maybe that clown can ante up, sell off some of his stuff to pay his bills like the rest of the world is having to do.

I don’t have any dog in the race, but that survey was very clearly something they would use to say “Hey…this shop still is creating revenue…let’s get em”.

That man should not grow any type of stache if that’s what it’s going to look like. It seriously looks like he got a black sharpie to make it…

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I think he does but I think his chunk is smaller than he likes it to be. His wikipedia page claims he was the 3rd highest contributor of the team that Angelos created to buy in the early 90s and the only place that mentions him as a minority owner is on his wikipedia page.

But if he has a say in how they operate, it truly explains why they suck… have sucked and will always suck as long as their current group owns them.

Sorry, I’m a Oriole fan and their primary owner Angelos sucks. That guy needs to go… he can take his investors with him as well.

I like the Office. Always Sunny is damn funny as well.