SHE-HULK Disney+ show

I generally like everything except the She-Hulk CGI which looks…off. I think some months to tweak it will be good.

I think it looks great! Y’all complain too much


I’m normally the positive one when everyone else dumps on stuff, but even I’m just a tad worried about that CGI…

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I wonder if they’re deliberately setting expectations for the CGI low now, by using some particularly unpolished shots in the trailer, so when the show arrives and it doesn’t look quite as bad, people are pleasantly surprised…

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I was really looking forward to She Hulk but not so much after that trailer. It’s supposed to be a comedy, right? They couldn’t find one funny moment to put in the trailer? I’m either burnt out on Marvel or they’ve really hit bottom with the Disney+ series.

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I think I saw a ranch fence in the background during the trailer. Get ready. Time to pump She Hulk #5 Greg Horn cover 2006(?) on YouTube and KCC. First appearance of She Hulk and a fence.

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Did someone say first appearance of an inanimate object with a random character!?


Maybe She-Hulk will jump rope naked or pose with a beach ball. KCC needs an alert on the John Byrne classic covers as possible things that could occur in the show. Unconfirmed sources can dig up all kinds of stuff.

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Or be naked with just a newspaper covering her.

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Complaining does work…


Nah its cause youtube has awful compression so it looks slightly better on disney+. When I saw it , just looked like it was brighter lol

Fans did complain about Sonic and they fixed him up and both movies were enjoyable.

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We haven’t seen the last of ugly Sonic tho. Heh.


If you’re talking about Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers, how cool was that?!! I honestly did not expect to like it as much as I did.


Of course it does. My kids complain all the time…there’s only so much you can take.


I just watched Chip n Dale
My memory is Chip n Dale torturing Donald Duck.

I know I know - showing age. But really didn’t like it, and I wanted to

I never give in to kids complaints… I tell them to go to their rooms if they want to cry about it. That’s how I handle the “so much you can take” cause I don’t take any of it…


It’s also how you run this forum… :wink: