ROI wise, you’re right. Cover A will bring in a higher return, but at a much slower churn because you’re competing against WAY more sellers.
If it takes me 6 months to sell my inventory of Cover A, I could flip 6 different store variants in that same amount of time and end up with a theoretical 600% return.
Can you tell me how much Marvel wholesales store exclusives for, and subsequently, can you tell me how much Marvel wholesales open order books for? The answer is identical. There is a fee to pay the cover artist, but only if your doing new art. Unknown has it made by feeding you these ‘virgin’ covers of open order trade dress books.
Knull wasn’t a Key character until recently. I know this because I bought up an insane amount of 9.8 Venom 3’s at an average of $100 up until about 6 months ago.
His books didn’t start heating up until about 3 or so months ago.
I want to be clear, I’m not “expecting” Key store variants to explode in value. I’m just saying the potential is definitely there.
If Sanctum can sell out Marvel variants that only they are offering than the store variant market is strong because who knows about Sanctum Comics other than a portion of online comic shoppers:
Knull has been popular, and over cover price, since it/he was released. The recent boom for all moderns in the last 6 months is yet to be explained or shown to be sustainable.
It’s going to get worse my friends these “Team Variants” wont be going away anytime soon. You may not even want cover A’s any more but the hot team variant for whatever key. This is just the beginning. Every book will start to have “Team Variants”
If they advertise it at a certain print run, they have to honor that print run. Otherwise, they could be sued into oblivion for Unfair and Deceptive Trade practices. I trust their numbers.
It’s why you see three, sometimes 4 different versions of any given store variant.
You dont know if Sanctum sold out. You only know that they stopped selling them. And the market, over it’s history, does not bode well for long term sustainability of store books.
I’m not saying you can’t make money from store variants. But, history and math clearly have shown us that open orders are better investments. That’s not my opinion. That is a fact, as of today. Yes, things could change, and perhaps they already are, but, I don’t think so. That is that. You are entitled to your own opinions. I’m just showing you the facts.
With store variants you can presale the books the day they came out to someone that missed out and wants them if it sold out. Get that money back in your PayPal and get the next store variant it doesn’t really cost anything you just have to pick winners. I’m on a good streak like 9 store variants in a row of getting the virgin for free and or making a little profit it’s really just the same $60 being used repeatedly and reaping the rewards every time it comes back, I’m not spending thousands Im spending the same $60 dollars repeatedly in the thousands if that makes any sense.
That is a term you just made up. There are no such things as ‘key store variant’. There are ‘key’ books, and there are ‘store variants’, but I wouldn’t call, and nobody calls them, ‘key store variants’.
With every key, especially moderns, there is a book ‘to have’ for that key. Rarely is ‘the’ book, for any given key, a store variant. For every example you can come up with, who is not Knull, where the book to own is a store book, 'll give you ten examples of the store variant being the worst book to own for a key.
No. They make different versions because they sell out. It’s there way around making more to supply the additional demand without compromising the integrity of the advertised print run on the previous version.
Anyways, as I said above. This is not my opinion, for the most part. It is fact. You are entitled to your opinions. I’m just here to give the facts. I’ve got no skin in that game either way.