TFAW $2 Sale 12/16/2022

TFAW is having a big clearance sale going on. 335 pages of $2 comics

You can go through the full list here.

I am going through the pages now and here are some of the highlights.

$2 Ratios
Grim #4 (Cover D - 10 Copy Di Meo Variant)
Miles Morales Spider-Man #38 (10 Copy Allen Design Variant)
Star Wars Mandalorian #1 (10 Copy Concept Art Variant)
Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi #1 (of 5) (10 Copy Movie Variant)
Twig #1 (of 5) (Cover D - 10 Copy Strahm Virgin Variant)
Twig #2 (of 5) (Cover D - 10 Copy Strahm Virgin Variant)
Twig #4 (of 5) (Cover D - 10 Copy Strahm Virgin Variant)
Twig #5 (of 5) (Cover D - 10 Copy Strahm Virgin Variant)
Vanish #1 (Cover D - 10 Copy McGuinness Variant)

Star Wars High Republic #1 (Noto Variant)
Star Wars High Republic #1 (McKone Variant)
Captain Carter #1 (of 5) (McKelvie Design Variant)
Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone #1 (2nd Ptg Artist Variant)
Edge of Spider-Verse #1 (of 5) (10 Copy Ramos Design Variant)
Edge of Spider-Verse #2 (of 5) (10 Copy Thorogood Design Variant)

13 Pages of Star Wars all for $2.

Amazing Fantasy #1000 (McNiven Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #1 (Besch Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #1 (Gleason Webhead Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #1 (Inhyuk Lee Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #1 (Jones Spider-Man MJ Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #55 LR (2nd Printing Gleason Webhead Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #88 (Gleason Queen Goblin Design Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #9 (Romero Variant)
Ant-Man #3 (of 4) (Momoko Beyond Amazing Spider-Man Variant)
Are You Afraid of Darkseid #1 (Cover A - Dan Hipp) $10 DC book for $2
Artist Elite Presents 1,2,3 New publisher all $2
Avengers #55 (Momoko Variant)
Avengers 1000000 Bc #1 (Young Variant)
Axe X-Men #1 (Art Adams Variant)
Batman Beyond the White Knight #5 (of 8) (Cover B - J Scott Campbell Variant)
Batman Superman Worlds Finest #4 (2nd Ptg Cover A- Dan Mora)
Black Widow #15 Adam Hughes
Black Widow #15 (Andrews X-Gwen Variant) oddly one of my favorite covers of the year.
Carnage #3 (Barends Skrull Variant)
Catwoman #39 (2nd Ptg) Sozomaika cover
Catwoman #46 (Cover B - Sozomaika Card Stock Variant)
Catwoman #46 (Cover A - Jeff Dekal)
Catwoman #47 (Cover A - Jeff Dekal)
Catwoman #47 (Cover B - Sozomaika Card Stock Variant)
Demon Days Mariko #1 (JS Campbell Variant)
Devils Reign Superior Four #2 (of 3) (Superlog Variant)
Harley Quinn 2022 Annual #1 (Cover B - Nathan Szerdy Card Stock Variant)
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 (Cover A - Amanda Conner)
Immortal X-Men #2 (Andrews Spider-Man Variant) Another of my favorite covers.
Immortal X-Men #5 (Art Adams Variant)
Knights of X #1 (Young Variant)
Moon Knight #13 (Gist Variant)
New Mutants #25 (Panosian Variant) Good looking cover
Tomb of Dracula #1 Facsimile Edition
X-Men #13 (Adams Variant)

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Shipping & Tax really offset the discount. Did they ever offer free shipping if you purchase a certain $$$ amount ?

$75 or something they used to.

Some good Mandalorian back issues.

They seem to limit you to 1 copy of the incentive ratios….even the $2 ones.

Also, don’t forget to bag and board…otherwise they will arrive….well…worse than they usually do…:grin:

Ok list combined up top. 334 pages gone through with 16 comics per page reviewed.

Ironically, there is a comic that is sitting in my unfulfilled orders that is now on sale for $2.


Another TFAW going on…


broke it down a little to make it easier to search

All-American Comics #16 Facsimile Edition First Golden Age Green Lantern $2.
All-Star Comics #3 (Facsimile Edition (Cover B - Ee Hibbard Foil Variant)) - Foil first Justice Society $2

You can check out the rest of the Facsimiles here.

Back Issues for $2

Amazing Spider-Man Comics start here

Batman Comics start here

Star Wars Comics start here (and go one for 3 pages)

Venom Comics start here

X-Men Comics start here

Adam Hughes Comics

1:25 Ratios for $8.50

1:50 Variants for $17.50

1:100 Variants for $35.00

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The volume of 1:100 and 1:50 comics that no one wanted at time of solicitation is simply incredible.
Was expecting a handful here and there; but it was pages and pages worth

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Many are wising up….just because it’s a ratio doesn’t mean it’s “worth” any more than cover. And in many cases the ratio art was no better than cover A or other open orders. I say they’re still overpriced.

Obviously 2023 was not a great speculation year as well. So “incentive” to pay outrageous ratio prices.


Yea - just seeing the fruits of all the reasons why, all together at once, is pretty astonishing.

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Not all are from sitting around unwanted. I mentioned last week that I had a huge shipment of 50’s and 100’s coming in from Part 2 of the Marvel ratio sale from Diamond. They do this regularly. I would assume they’re picking up copies like many other stores well after the originals arrived if they had sold out. The way I understand it is Diamond combines orders from multiple accounts and gets extras the accounts themselves individually didn’t qualify for. It’s not just Marvel either. They offer most publishers ratio’s up open order eventually one way or another. PRH on the other hand, appears to do nothing with theirs and the sales reps have no idea why or where the leftovers disappear to. Hopefully one day they start offering them up. Lunar I’m led to believe, just sells their leftovers directly to customers bypassing stores. I expect I may never see another DC ratio sale since they left Diamond and Diamond can’t play middle man to get any.

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Walmart packs. :slight_smile:

Here’s a few books that stood out to me passing through.

There are several Disney 100 books for $2 if you search.

1st Vampire Spawn?

1st Billie Morales (Adult)

(RIP Carl Weathers)

(1st Cobb Vanth)


I still have hope they figure out how to eventually get them into sale lists. They’re becoming more frequent with their other sales lists now from comic boxes to codes for percentage off lists of titles. I bring it up with the reps or by phone every 6 months or so to remind them. Over at Diamond where they say the Thundercats are sold out except those 3 foils, I know they’re sitting on a ton of leftover ratios but they run the Dynamite Ratio Sales a bit different charging more for each size generally. The 50’s may eventually release for $10 each, the $25’s for $5, the smaller one’s from $2 to $5 each.


I remember some interest here for this book. Issue 1, 1:50 for only $12.50 if anyone is interested.
