Perpetually available, but not currently in stock.
B/O Not Stocked
Not a perpetual stock item, but can be backordered.
Out of Stock; No B/O
Not a perpetual stock item, and cannot be backordered.
Hasn’t Shipped
Has been solicited, but hasn’t shipped.
Unknown Item
Invalid item code.
This is the only thing I see when I look with my account. They never give a definitive number. I’d be interested if they can actually see a number if they would be willing to share the method.
It’s been creeping up in price 2 weeks before hitting the shops. Usually an indication that it’s going to blow up on release day. I’m positive that a lot of shops didn’t even order that many because the cover art was released after FOC. I had to tell my shop about it.
Many of the shops order cover A every time. Cover B is the cover to get. Once the picture of cover B was released post FOC the copies started drying up.
yea your right eastman tweeted out the colored pic day after foc, but until than we had the other bw pic that also showed venus, so any store that looked online would have seen that and ordered accordingly
I think Eastman posted the art on his social media before FOC, like a day or 2 before lol. All the shops I shop at had a black square that just says Venus cover coming soon. My LCS in my area were caught with their pants down.
Awesome cover! We will have a lot of these available…looks like Diamond was able to fill the order we put in. So barring they toss the comic box around, we will have a lot more available on release.