Worst Cover of 2021

The multiple ring of gators around Batman in the water form a loose Batman symbol.

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I’m a Gerads fan, but this is definitely a swing and a miss for me.

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This cover was passable (not great, but passable), until I looked at the gun and tried to figure out which way it was pointing…

War of the Bounty Hunters exclusive by Todd Nauck


Feel like that needs an “after Liefeld” label.

Totally. The knuckles are pointing forward, the barrel of the gun to the left, and the end of the barrels forward?

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Geez this event is still going on? Thought it ended forever ago

This is why Nauck should just stick to the lame headshots…

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Vader must have a tiny head under that helmet.


Weak and ineffective editors are a big problem for me.

The last strong and powerful editor DC had was Denny O’Neil. Modern editors are afraid of “superstar” artists and writers,
Thus, crappy covers and continuity holes big enough to drive the Batmobile through…


Here’s a contender for worst cover…

Why is so much going on around the characters’ groins?

Is this artist adverse to drawing groins?

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Knob Liefeld


Wtf was Mayhew thinking?


$25 trade dress, yeah good luck with that.

He likes Money!! Same he always thinks about his covers.

Reminds me of all that Do You Pooh junk; except this is Do You Venom

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I don’t mind it. Is it a dwarf or baby though?

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I was coming to post the Mayhew :rofl: it’s so damn terrible. But all his die hard fans will say it’s amazing

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I have liked Mayhew variants in the past. His work on Star Wars interiors was stellar and most of his Star Wars exclusive variants were really well done.

I think what he is now trying to do is come up with a format that he can replicate. As JTC has action figure covers, Skottie Young had baby chibi covers, etc.

You can see him fishing around for a meme. He was doing homages, then those sneaker variants, now this. If this doesn’t hit, mark my words, I think he’ll look for the next “memetic” idea. I don’t fault the guy for trying.


So, this seems like a Pokemon Card/TCG homage. I’m not sure those two hobbies overlap much, but I could be wrong. Looks like a 3d Skottie Young without the charm.