What are you looking for tonight?
Sleep… I need sleep!
@agentpoyo , I’m right there with ya. We got a mini Aussie pup 2 weeks ago, I never knew how much work these young puppies were.
Oh I did cause I’m stupid for not remembering how exhausting they are… but he’s worth it. He’s already higher on the list than the wife and kids most of the time.
The best is right after they wake up from a nap when their in sleepy-puppy land and will actually cuddle with you some instead of being shark mode and biting my fingers off.
I was seriously considering re-homing our Titan of a Newfoundland, Odin at one point during the lockdown. Thankfully, I just recommitted to our friendship and he’s been a welcome relief in my day ever since. Lunch hours with Odin in the back yard. Such glory, such majesty, such slobber!