2nd 3rd and 4th printings!

Also, in my opinion, it was an enjoyable story too. I’m looking forward to future issues.

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Digging that design print. Tfaw the only place going to have it reasonably priced.


Definitely the Marvels books is a keep. Grabbing a few copies of the 2nd print. Might get over looked seeing as how the 1st print was overlooked that week.


TFAW doesn’t chase the variants like other stores, they may not order many of the 2nd print. Without the first cover appearance I am not interested in the 2nd print cover A and expect others may feel the same.


I detest reprints where all they do is take a page out of the comic an slap in on the cover.

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I didnt say they chase them. TFAW is the ratio spot. They have what’s ordered by customers. The 2nd print will be ordered for sure take a look throught the thread from all the Thor 2ndN 3rd etc prints ordered. TFAW will have they 1:25 for $17-$20. I was referring to the price ever other store going to have it starting at $40 watch and see.

I sure hope to get one from TFAW as they have the best price online but demand and supply will be the most out of sync with stores like TFAW that don’t chase ratios while also offering competitive prices on ratios. Going to have to be lucky to get one at a good price.

Which may be why it’s worth picking up a few copies in this market low print run equals money.

Venom #34 (2nd Ptg KIB)

The Marvels #1 (2nd Ptg)

Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters Alpha #1 (2nd Ptg)

Heroes Reborn #1 (of 7) (2nd Ptg)

Beta Ray Bill #2 (of 5) (2nd Ptg)

Black Widow #6 (2nd Ptg)



Okay. So I know now to cancel my order for the second print.


I assume $.99 Westfield will be out there for the 2nd print so they can sell the ratio, expect same with Black Widow 6 2nd print.

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We have this going right now, but in a limited quantity, I can’t sort through 1000’s of comics at this point lol :wink: The packages will include 12 comics, and the ratio variant. If you buy 2 packages, it automatically gives you a 35% discount.

For those of you who didn’t see it in the other spot, but its just SWHR, SiKtC 17, Black Widow and The Marvels Second Print… I’m doing a test run to see how it goes and if I want to provide this in the future.

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a few stores do this, they sell the ratios for 2x-3x ratio than dump the reg copies cheap, not sure how profitable it is. just make sure to sell the ratios first. last thing you want is to dump copies for .99 and get stuck with ratios people dont want

Well, the regular print is what looks like the only way to get a first cover for Kevin Schumer, so there’s that.

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Yeah I’m just trying it out and wanted to see how long it takes for me to pack everything up. If I lose a few bucks that’s fine too. Won’t be the first time I’ve lost a little money lol. Gambling is a helluva drug!

maybe try packs. 5 or 10 copy packs. that way you don’t have to deal with single copy orders

Hey I sell $1 comics all day…I take what I can get :wink: You pay for shipping, I’ll ship you all the $1 comics you want!

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How is that worth your time though? I could see a site like Westfield that’s established and has decent traffic doing it to sell incentives sometimes but seems tough to do on a smaller scale.

I mean what’s the largest Diamond discount? I’ve heard it’s 55%, so all those $3.99 comics cost you $1.79. So each incentive copy would cost you $46.54. Assuming you sell all 25 copies of the regular comic you are at $21.54 for the incentive so just slightly below ratio.

I’m not saying this isn’t worth it but I am definitely interested to know how you do with it.