The info on what was already in the pipeline prior to Diamonds announcement has been limited … books, at times, can ship early, to be released on the street date …
I believe Diamond has some product, new comic wise, in warehouses … does not mean Retailers will get any now …
Yeah, hate when that happens. I made sure to set my TFAW to once a month myself. I got hit with one book shipping so it kind of sucked they charged me like $6 on a book I bought on discount for $2.59 or something like that. It was just a reader book too…
To update, I contacted them and the book is in stock and is shipping. They stated that as the official retailer for Dark Horse, they don’t get their books from Diamond as they get them direct.
I got a DH book shipped as well. TFAW could not advise me on what other companies also ship directly to them. Anyone know? So many small companies whose books I always get from my LCS…I have no idea what’s on hold and what’s still releasing. Would be nice to put those through at TFAW to have a few new ones to read and not lose track of those books over the next couple months.
TFAW is not what you would call a distributor … at least from what I know about them … Dark Horse and TFAW are pretty well run by the same guy, though … so if anything, Dark Horse …