A Note on Ravencroft/Carnage #1--please read this

With all the hype about this book…please be aware that this book had a printing error. I was able to get a couple copies on the cheap before any hype and noticed this.
If you look at some of the varied ebay listings carefully, you can see this on many of them. Unfortunately, I don’t see too many describing it either. I was lucky that my copies were cheap and before the hype, but I’d be sick if I paid those big prices for these.

It is 2 white horizontal lines on the right side of the front cover about 3/4 up the side/towards the top. Appears to maybe be a roller isssue/ink issue. Not sure, but they are there and they def can be seen if you look for them.

So…be careful if you are taking a chance and paying big for these. Honestly, if you are even getting them cheap…be on the look out for it.

I’ll try to add a pic of my copy later…but if you really look at the ebay images of actual books versus those presales, you can see it.

If you want to post on the main CHU site, please do!!!

I thought we established there was no verified spec behind these…it was a pump and dump. It has that changed?

I wouldn’t pay more than cover anyways.


@D-Rog We established it…but the prices continue to rise & they are still selling! Even the regular covers have continued to rise.

Pic added in the initial post.

And…if by some small chance…this old Puritan clown does have a significant role in the future…this book has a printing defect that has been avoided to be called out from 99% of the sales I’ve seen.

Looking forward to seeing if mine will arrive with this. My guess is he is Virus or someone new. Ravencroft #5 ends with his tomb and Knull is coming. So people think Knull will resurrect him into Virus, or the new Venom with the hair, or some kinda of hearld to Knull.

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they also make reference on that page to bringing him back