Do advance reorders affect the print run, or do they come out of the over print?
Advance reorder comes out after FOC but before the books are released to stores. It’s stores saying “hey if you got any extra we will take some”. It also helps gauge interest for reprints of a book.
For example comichron reports iron fist 1 as the top advance reorder between Jan 10 through the 16th, yet foc was the 16th. That part I don’t get
advance reorder differs than foc
anything after the 16th is a advance reorder
TMNT 127 cover B got some orders…
Everyone got a heads up on TMNT #127… it’s gonna be EASY to get… buy your copies and hold for the long term gamble. Gotta let the collectors gobble them up, let the speculators dump theirs at double cover or less… and then slowly over a few years or decades, let the supplies run dry and hope the demand is still there so it slowly starts to rise in price! Then maybe in your retirement, you can offload these at decent prices unless you’re dead, then your offspring beneficiaries might benefit from the sales…
I figured this would happen