Amazing Spider-Man #57 - yeah, but this story

I realize there have been a few speculation worthy issues as of late for the current Amazing Spider-Man run. But switching over to the story, “Last Remains”… (spoilers ahead!)

Is anyone actually enjoying this storyline? I’m not a huge Nick Spencer fan, and though I did pick up the first issue of this run, I dropped it right after. I started picking it up again when I heard about the whole Sin-Eater, Harry Osborn, Norman Osborn inclusions. I wanted to see how they were going to explain how Harry was Kindred, etc. And I’ve been reading here and there online that he’s a demon, and was brought back during OMD, etc. But has Nick Spencer actually SAID any of this in the comics? Or is it all storyline speculation? I keep reading issue after issue hoping there will finally be a big reveal dump, and nothing. Just characters standing around arguing with one another and NO ONE actually asking anything of real value! This story has been going on for 50+ issues, and Last Remains (and the Sin-Eater stuff, along with the .LR issues) is on something like fifteen issues and I feel like it’s been a giant waste of money (excluding the spec issues.) Anyone else feel the same? Or can someone provide some insight into where I might have missed some of these reveals actually in the title?


Nope. You got it. No explanation of how Harry is alive again, where his powers come from, etc.


I’m a big Spidey fan and I’ve felt massively disappointed by Spencer’s run, a lot of it felt like filler and even after all the buildup to last remains it just felt like the story was progressing at a snail’s pace


Why was it so GD important that Pete and Norman figure out why Harry was pissed on their own? Just spit it out!

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Horrible…just absolutely boring as hell. Can’t believe the way they’ve handled it. I’ll take Slott over this snooze fest any day.


Glad to know it’s not just me! At some point I’m thinking “Why are these characters not asking the important, obvious questions?!” The whole thing is just wasted mystery to be wasted mystery. At this point the answer’s gonna have to be so huge in order to make readers happy, it’s not even possible to accomplish such a feat. Glad I didn’t waste my money on the 46 previous issues I don’t own. Wish I hadn’t wasted it on this storyline.

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Ya its not good. Ill be dropping it as soon as Non Stop Spider-Man comes out.


I was waiting until this storyline “wrapped up”. I suppose #57 was it? Apparently #58 is some fresh start or something…

I’ll be picking them up for that new suit, but I’ll probably let them stack up and bust through them in one sitting like 10 issues at a time.

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This storyline has been going on for 12 issues and some of those were triple sized. I was going to drop earlier but I saw Gleason doing some of the art. Im not sure even he can keep me buying them. Its time for a change.

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Think of the ground that was covered in Secret Wars (the new one) in 9 issues? Now we can barely finish a conversation between Pete and Harry.


And not to beat a dead horse, but where the hell did Sin Eater’s lightsaber, sin stealing shotgun come from? Are we going to ever explain that?

It’s just irresponsible.

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it took 24 issues just to give him a name


My son’s a big Spidey fan, but he is struggling with this run…


It’s just crazy sloppy writing!

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Let’s face it, comicbook writers, write for children, mostly, thats why when the story morphs into a movie, on the odd occasion it does, they change it so much…cus its kiddy garbage…all marvel/DC etc want to do is sell comics to us suckered…hence the 1940s never ending cliffhangers…Mary Jane dying,…oh no she isn’t…

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I guess that’s true to some extent, but I’d be hard pressed to find a kid who enjoys Spencer’s run. No kid wants to read 12 issues of 22 pages of dramatic dialogue with sparse little duels in between.

My coworker has a kid who loves spider-man and I’d recommend dozens of storylines to that kid before this. I’d just hand over a Slott Spider-verse paperback to him.

Things don’t need to be explained to the point that they make sense in the real world, but we need some sort of explanation. You can’t just say: “Harry’s alive now and can also resurrect others like Sin Eater.” Ok, but why? Spend one single solitary issue saying “Mephisto visited him in the afterlife and they made a deal.” How hard is that? Better yet, you also set up a mephisto storyline about what Harry offered for the deal. Plus, you give Ottley the chance to illustrate hell. Death could show up. You could bring so many cool elements into Spider-man. I guess the Overdrive issue was cool.

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The only good part of Spener’s run was when all those Kraven children had to kill each other.

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