An Excellent Discusssion with Some of The Leaders in our Industry

It’s a bit of a long video … however, if you have a true interest, it’s worth the watch … I know most of these guys, excellent points were made …

I think you’ll find the section where Mr Geppi discusses a possible move by Diamond into the back issue area to be interesting …

The whole video is actually pretty good …

Very informative discussion from 3 top retailers on the current state of the comic industry


thanks for posting, will check it out later when I’m home

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Thanks for shearing. Lots of good points.

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People have been ripping on retailers lately for talking about how bad comics are

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Those people need to wake up…

Half the comics published today have shitty art and writing. And the cover price doesnt justify it.


I see a mix of legitimate retailer issues, random political stuff getting mixed into arguments, and lots of name-calling from random people. It seems really messy.

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Well, honestly, if you look at the whole industry, we can blame almost everyone who publishes, sells them as a retailer right down to the consumers… Everyone is sort of at fault for the industry woes currently.


I would love to see order numbers again from publishers. I betcha numbers are LOW year-to-year…

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I would have to say the political comments are coming because writers are injecting their political views into their works. I know if I have a product with a limited market, I don’t want to alienate half the potential buyers.


Great video, thanks for posting. Comics have to blow me away or be a specific facsimile. Otherwise, I’m waiting for a sale. That’s 2023 in comics for me.

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:100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100:

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They keep them higher than they should with multiple covers and variants. The consumers buying multiples of essentially the same product is the name of the game to keep those numbers higher than they should.

Print run on Amazing Spider-Man use to be around 100k an issue but we all know there’s not 100k regular readers of that book, not when you got some people buyin 2-5 copies of the same issue. It’s inflating the numbers and variants aren’t a good way to measure product true demand if you ask me.


John, who is one of the owners from Graham Cracker Comics here in IL is the guy in the upper left. I visit his store quite often. He kind of contradicts himself when it comes to pricing. Many LCS’s are still pricing books as if its 2020/2021 and he is one of the culprits of that. Walk in his store and he is charging sometimes $500-1000 more on a book from when the price is was back several years ago.