Austin Books and Comics (biggest comic book store in Austin) magically won't have Batman #89 on the shelf

for stadium ya, pretty clear they make their profits off the incentives as it looks like the incentive bundles are priced to cover the cost (the wholesale pricing cost, not cover price) of ordering as many cover a’s as it takes to get the incentive…but only including one of the cover a’s (not always but seemed like some are priced that way)…thought it might have been due to some weird diamond rule regarding discounts or something, but interesting to see its not.

below is from dcbs’ website…they don’t seem to really update their policies on their site often…or maybe ever tho so it could be that their current policy is different now, or they may not enforce it.

DCBS is a retailer selling to individual customers.

Our flat rate shipping and discounts are based on a single consumer purchase. Customers selling on eBay, Amazon, or other auction sites, that are not eligible for a Diamond account, may place orders with our approval. Those customer orders are not eligible for flat rate shipping and are subject to actual shipping costs.

Orders that contain multiple quantities of more than a quantity of 2 are clearly orders for resale, speculation, or group purchase, and are also not eligible for flat rate shipping and are subject to actual shipping costs. Those accounts will be noted accordingly.

No shipping updates yet? I could see eBay sellers that listed to sell before the craze holding back a lot of orders. They’ll take the negatives to make more money in such situations.

@agentpoyo This was for the Hell Arisen #3. I actually had no issues with Batman 89 from any of my sources.
I’ll update on the ebay seller for HA 3 if they don’t follow through with the preorder.
I’m pretty confident TFAW will come through.
I really think the numbers likely ordered on Hell Arisen are going to make it tough to get ahold of versus Batman. Should be an interesting week.

Ah. I can still see what I’ve applied though with Hell Arisen #3

TFAW will likely honor you’re pre-order, I’ve never had them cut me short on pre-orders.

I’m not so sure though on Hell Arisen being harder to come by, Diamond was still allowing orders after news broke. It will certainly be interesting though and it’ll be interesting how big this “first full” as they claim is… for all we know it’s gonna be a one full page type of appearance…

I wanted to update this thread for anyone who’s following. ABC quietly claimed that Hell Arisen #3 was sold out (although they didn’t make a Facebook post about it).

Well, lo and behold, look what showed up on their wall

Heh and when that one sells, they quietly replace it with the next one they got in the back stock. :wink:

What were they selling it for?

Offer them $4.99…which was the price for it when you asked and they claimed they didn’t have it.

They don’t put price on the book usually up on the wall, you have to ask. Usually in the past when I’ve asked on books, it’s usually more than I can find on eBay.

Nah, it’s usually the Manager Brandon who sits behind in this area. He’s the guy who looks at everyone with the look on why they’re bugging him by shopping at the store… dude always looks unhappy.

So why are you shopping at his store?

Well, everyone will be out of his store soon.
NYC is shut down. My town just confirmed it’s first case of covid-19, which means theres probably 100 more asymptimatic walking around…

I don’t, haven’t gone back to ABC for quite sometime.

I guess that was meant for @TheTinHat.

You guys should hang out…when this pandemic is over.

But then he’ll know my secret identity!

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Priced at $40 when I asked @Anthony

Did you tell them to shove it?

Haha, I just said eww, no thank you, and walked off

Imagine what they would be getting for toilet paper … on the wall, of course … :vulcan_salute:

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I hate unpriced books. :roll_eyes: When a book is on a wall or in a case, I know the seller has a number in mind. If they’re really going by the daily/hourly whims of eBay pricing, use a Post-It or something easy to replace frequently.

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I like Austin Books and Comics personally, I started reading returning from the immortal world at this place for their selection of indie comics (though it could be better). They also seem to have all the new titles in stock. Dragon’s Lair is your best bet if you’re looking for stuff more in the hobby vein.