So AWC #94 came out in May 1993 and the market currently believes that this is the 1st appearance of Jim Rhodes as War Machine. However, if you look at X-Force #21, which came out in April 1993, You see War Machine in all his glory. Hell, the the cover even says “War Machines”.
He does have a cameo in X-Force 20 and while the last one says “next issue Iron Man Vs X-Force”, it hat clearly is NOT Iron Man. Marvel wiki also notes that War Machine and not Iron Man fought X-Force.
So … is this really the 1st Jim Rhodes as War Machine? Did the market get it wrong?
Yup, a lot of “pump” on which one people have to offload…
1st, second, 3rd, full, cameo… a first is always a first but the market decides the winner according to value. So you are likely not wrong, but will the market swing to favor West Coast Avengers #94 as the winner in value? Value doesn’t dictate actual first appearance in a comic. I know most of you know this but I really can’t say this enough for the newcomers to the hobby who might read these things and interpret value as being the decider to first appearance, which they are not.
I’m curious if the market is even aware of this issue as being a potential “1st/cameo/whatever”. While AWC wasn’t a super popular title that book did clearly focus on War Machine while X-Force was just an X-Men off brand title that wasn’t meant to showcase new avengers.
Just interesting that I haven’t seen anyone raise this point. Kinda like people thinking Cap 354 is the 1st US Agent while ignoring AWC 43(?) which has US Agent on the last page and I believe came out same month or 1 month earlier.
This is why the market works in mysterious ways. People list and sell, will use terms like “first full” when a first full can be a second or even a 3rd appearance of the character, with the previous too being brief or smaller. But it doesn’t remove the fact that an “appearance” is just that, an appearance. So no matter how small, if the character showed up or we knew about them, that’s an appearance in my book and should be marked as such.