Bad Idea

I’ve seen comments from two separate comic shops in my area (that carry Bad Idea books) that both are saying there will be a second announcement this week and that things aren’t all as they seem.

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Rebranding as Mediocre Idea but after 6 months as Mediocre Idea will rebrand to Good Idea.

I am ok if it is a joke/publicity stunt. I really don’t mind how they are doing things and I think it is kind of fun actually

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This went real well when IHOP changed their name to IHOBurgers.


After what’s been going on with GameStop and AMC…it wouldn’t shock me if this were true…

I think Bad Idea is giving to much consideration into flippers instead of pumping good books to read. Who givea a F what happens after your books leave your warehouse. They should just be happy that people are actually buying their books instead of crying that flippers are making more money then them. SMFH


This sounds like a bad idea. Hope it works out for them

At least all this publicity has people talking about the stories and art, right?! Right?...right…? Guys?


We’re going to have Dinesh (Bad Idea CEO) on our live show next Friday 06/18 (not this Friday). He said he has some things up his sleeves and will share with us. I saw another member here post that their LCS said there will be another announcement this week (can’t find the post to credit). If that’s the case, I’m sure there will be some follow up questions.


And they just announced the Final Five. Pre-order day is June 16th for 5 titles(for 2021) with no details about anything. You go in blind and pre-order and details will be revealed about the comics on June 17th.

Again they also keep saying Bad Idea is over(as you know it).

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and I feel fiiiiiiiiiine.


Oh ok I just saw this on Twitter so yea they are actually rebranding lol

The press email said it is like 15 comics total because you’re committing to the whole runs of the mystery books, I think? You get a sticker if you’re one of the first 10 people to do so at your store which will entitle you to another issue of a comic (not sure exactly how it works). It sounds pricey and confusing.

I hate mystery purchases… I wanna know what I’m buying or at least some kind of idea of what I’m buying. Some might enjoy such things but nope, nope, nope from me, particularly when it comes to reading material, etc.

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I was already out on these books, but this solidifies it for me. I like a good gimmick, but this feels like they are taking advantage of collectors. I’d ditch The Lot from my pre-order list, but FOC has already passed for a book that doesn’t come out until July 31.

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Yeah, I think I’m now leaning towards the same side in the boat. I’m not big on the gimmicks, I think they’re childish and if you want to be taken seriously, you gotta learn when and how to do it while not so often as they seem to be doing it. Silly rules, silly playground games with their marketing strategy… means I really don’t care anymore. I’ve enjoyed some of their reads though which is a shame, if they just focused on the product and not the stupid games, they could become a major player in the comic publisher world. But stop with the marketing bullshit shenanigans for fsck’s sake…


Funny. I went to bleeding cool to read the article and couldn’t read the article because of all the damn ads. (The reason I never go to bleeding cool)

(Actual screen shot of bleeding cool no joke)

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I’m buying everything they put out. lol people getting way too serious in here about a publisher doing things differently from every one else. If you don’t like the comics they put out that’s cool but some of the hate makes zero sense. Their gimmicks have no effect on comic readers other than one per customer which retailers do on some titles every week. Everything else is all on the retailers to deal with. All I do is click a button to add a comic to my order just like every other comic I order. Haters gonna hate I guess lol


lol Ad Block man, Ad Block!

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But allow ads by whitelisting on CHU please… :wink:

And FYI for @everyone, if you ever see an annoying ad on CHU, please do let us know. We tell them no crazy popup video ads ever but sometimes they sneak a few in.

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