BANG! BANG! CHU Giveaway

Apparently it’s been a while since we had a forums give away…

Always appreciate the giveaways & hope to win! Doc Brown & the rest of the staff- Keep up the GREAT work!

Great Book!

Awesome! Thanks for the opportunity!

Can’t go wrong with a free Bang!

Yup, and it’s a double whammy… main site and forums, two winners… or one lucky winner that wins both. :wink:

I’d love to win this. Don’t count yourself if your post is the one selected Poyo, lol.

Rob H

Jim Bowers

Awesome give away

Heh, I don’t count my posts. I always win by giving these books away! :slight_smile:

I’ll take it!

Count me in!


Thank you!


I tried getting me one so bad but I’ve got the sorriest example of a LCBS ever :unamused:

Checking in. Thanks for the giveaway!

Winners have been announced: