Batman 1:25 Designer Variants

Your Punchline is missing 4% of its cover :roll_eyes:

Most of the thicker stock dc covers are like that these days. It’s an odd phenomena.

I think all of these covers have that to some degree as well, just 92 has a white first page and thus stands out more. Punchline is also positioned nearest that edge, while the other characters are not. Doesn’t bother me, though
drawn to the deep rich color

They announced a ton more designer variants for Superman, Wonder Woman, every dc book good luck completing a set now. You’ll have to buy every DC book 1:25 until the end of the year

I need to see about making a thumbs down next to the heart on posts

Yeah they’ve already pretty much saturated it. Ha

I wasn’t even going to complete the Batman ones. Just wanted up until 96. So I’m good!

Update: Actually
May have to grab the 101 Grifter design variant.

And here I thought they were going to reboot after 100

If anyone is interested, the 1:25 cover for issue 94 is in stock at TFAW for $20. Two copies left.

Bruce Wayne
or Peter Parker?

Looks like a Dick to me


Draw some eyeliner on it that way we know it’s Robert Pattinson.

That eyeliner looked pretty dope on him. I saw lotsa ladies and some gents getting tingles over it.

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Soooooo I only ever picked up the Batman 96 Clown Hunter 1:25 but that Grifter looks really cool! I’ll likely have to snag it!

I’ve been trying to find that and 102 at ratio
maybe @Alana

I think, like clown hunter, 102 is going to be a first full Ghost Maker.

I agree. I intend on picking this one up too, even though I feel like Ghost Maker won’t turn into much with a new writer set to take over Batman in 2021.

I think issue #99 will be his first only way to move a Nightwing design variant lol that I have 6 coming I found at cover.

Tynion has said 100 will be his first in a brief appearance.

All depends how sales are. New writer was supposed to take over at 101 from Tynion. That was scrapped. Tynion has said he’s got stories planned out for a year.

Really? My wife saw the preview and was like
 hey look, Batman has gone Emo on us!

Is Snyder taking over again? Since every DC book seems to be either Snyder or Tynion

There are other writers employed by DC?