Thor 5 2nd cover art

And now the 2nd print trade is officially worthless.

Why wouldn’t UKCB Choose different art and make it a 1000/3000 trade/virgin option?

Do you think they have to order 3000 of these virgin variants?

I saw some fellow hyping the hell out of these in a group. Discussing what a great value and spec it is???
I’m thinking to myself…what an absolute, complete waste of $20 bucks (and shipping).

I would imagine picking the same art makes their overall cost lower. Picking a new cover eats into their profits.

Unknown always does that though. They did the same thing on Thanos for like 5 issues.

First cover is always 3000. If he went with a virgin cover then the print run is 3000+

A bit much for a book that hasn’t been released yet Graham Crackers.

Just crazy…not many on ebay at this point for preorder and the prices are very high for those that are.

Hope those that wanted them have their preorders in…interesting times.

My shop got in some copies of the Thor #2 (3rd print). Had them on the wall at @20 apiece…they are all sold out.

Such a disappointment in cover design…probably under ordered and now FOMO is starting…

I know it doesn’t have Black Winter directly on it but I still actually like it…

It’s a mistake on grahmcrackers they sell 1:25 variants for $6.99 they don’t jack prices on release

We’ll find out. I just inquired about the price.

Yeah, I know quite a few places/sites that don’t jack prices on release…that all of a sudden…are jacking the hell out of prices on release. Jackitty Jack Jack…don’t talk back.

I got the gold lantern from them because it was cheapest anywhere picked up a few other cheap 1:25s and my one copy of Captain Marvel #18 they would let me check out with.

I’m not big on the design variants but this card stock incentive variant looks nice

Everyone is doing it now…except midtown, TFAW and MCS. Every site that still has it in stock has raised the price to $20+.

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Hope you like it with 4% of its cover missing…


When do they release their incentive variants for purchase?

Marvel doesn’t give two jacks if their open order cover conflicts with any store variant cover.

I agree completely. That was my point. Ha.

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