Batman #92 1:25

Back to the original poster that bleeding cool mentioned the 1:25 variant after we did.

They might of mentioned the 1:25 before us but I think we beat them to the punch with the actual cover art reveal. It’s hard to tell since their articles don’t have timestamps, just date.

just look on Twitter for the timestamp

Sounds exhausting… :wink:


They didn’t. Their post still has the incorrect image on Twitter. We posted and mentioned before BC did. Just saying.


For those speculating on some Punchline rabbit hole theories;


I’m not certain, but this BM38 rumour sounds like something that that krap collector grifter app or bleeding stool would spin to it’s sheep. :joy:

If it makes you feel better on your KCC hate’n, I noticed that KCC claims Jim Lee’s first Marvel Cover is Alpha Flight #51 which it’s not, he only did the interiors. His first cover art was #53 in that series. I noticed this when I did my Throwback Thursday a few weeks back. :wink:

That Jim Lee error was probably done on purpose to mislead and intentionally pump a worthless book. That or they just don’t care and do not actually research what they put out there to their paying customers. Not good either way. Deceitful KCC or ignorant KCC. Pick your poison, lmao.

I wouldn’t necessarily call it a worthless book, it’s still Jim Lee’s first work in major publisher. I think his only other work prior to that one is some indie book.

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