Beast Kingdom Dynamic 8ction Heroes Dark Knight Returns Batman and Robin

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Not to be a downer, but I do not like the cloth goods on these figures. Maybe it is just my personal opinion but they look off.


It’s hard to tell for me because Frank Miller’s characters have looked off from day one to me.

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I know… it’s damn near blasphemous for me to say but I do not dig the TDKR. The art is a hurdle for me.

I don’t really like the idea that certain works are untouchable and beyond criticism if you’re a “true fan.” I think it holds a property back from becoming better honestly.

I think Empire Strikes Back is a better film than A New Hope and I frankly don’t think A New Hope has aged well. Surgically extracted from its cultural and historic context, the film would not be analyzed as a very good work.

All the works it spawned? Love them. There you go. Sheer blasphemy from Wook.

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Looks like toys from the 50s


These toys look like total ass if you ask me. Batman looks like his face went through a meat grinder!