Blade was to be Female Driven Movie

Nope. Would be called Wonder Woman starring Tom Hanks

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Not even if itā€™s set in Bizzaro world?!

Throw in Batman with a woman under the cowlā€¦.but still goes by the identity of BatMAN. This could be fun!

Lex Luther is a bald woman. Catwoman is a transvestite.

Come on, people! You wanna get nuts?


And it might actually get people to watch a DC movieā€¦create some buzz if done right. Cause I just canā€™t sit through one, Now as it is.


Dark Knight Returnsā€¦

That sounds amazingā€¦ Figure guys would love this, seeing a big hairy dude in a tight outfitā€¦ I mean, a huge majority of men do this every Sunday watching football right? :rofl:


Well, he did Bosom Buddies, so the qualification is thereā€¦



Tom Hanks has got serious acting range. My favorite role is David Pumpkins.


David Pumpkins is awesome.

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I donā€™t know what it is about David Pumpkins. That skit annoyed the hell out of me when it first debutedā€¦then it grew on meā€¦now every Halloween itā€™s a must watchā€¦

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So Tom Hanks is playing David Pumpkins. He is out trick or treating wearing a Wonder Woman costume, Earth is attacked by aliens. He must fight them prior to changing outfits so Tom Hanks as David Pumpkins as Wonder Woman. You are going to skip that movie?!?

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Is it a comedy or played deadly serious?

The movie would be like a box of chocolates, you never know what youā€™re going to get.


While I would have preferred him to tweet
ā€œSome $&th#$f&$#ers at Marvel always trying to ice-skate uphillā€ā€¦that was still pretty good.

Just shouldnā€™t be this hardā€¦

I read Psylocke Blood Hunt on WEDNESDAY. LAST NIGHT, I watched the original Blade with Wesley Snipes and asked myself why i havent done a write up on Psylockeā€¦and also Bladeā€¦ ?? hmm

The fact that Blade has his history/origin in the comic book twisted several times to make the movie peeps happy makes me wonderā€¦