Captain America 4 In Development

Giancarlo is playing someone named George washington Bridge, not even memeing

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Marvel dipping into the Liefeld pool AGAIN! For all the hate he receives, Rob Liefeld is a bit of a golden 🪿 for Marvel.

Deadpool, Cable, Domino, X-Force, now G.W. Bridge. Don’t forget the whole Winter Soldier reboot memory and what not came from Liefeld and Loeb’s Captain America run.

If only the characters on screen matched his “art” style…



X-Force #1’s are sooooooooooooooooo rare. :roll_eyes:

I find them at Yard sales over and over and it’s gotten to the point where I don’t even bother buying them for $1 (unless Deadpool).

White bag Superman, X-Force 1, and X-Men 1 I literally just pass over as they take up space like a garbage bag sitting in one’s garage


The image of G.W. Bridge you provided was drawn by Mike Panicella. The credit page to X-Force 11 lists Rob Liefeld as only being the plotter.

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Rob Liefeld wrote plots? Say what?

I’m kidding, I’m just hard on the guy.

I didn’t see a glimpse and haven’t heard any further talk of Sabra? Has any else heard/seen anything?

Aside from any spec and I know she’s such a random character but I have an odd affinity for her.
I remember being first introduced to her in the Contest of Champions series which I bought off the newstand (1980 perhaps? around there I imagine). Looking back, that small 3 issue series was so cool as it incorporated a ton of lesser known characters. Sabra being one of them.

Anyway, it would be cool to see a lesser known character on the screen.

She was in the trailer but I read that Marvel removed her Israeli identity and possibly her superpowers and made her Russian and part of the Black Widow program.

After it was initially announced that Sabra would be in the movie there was outrage (hate) and threats of boycott (more hate) and so Marvel caved and allowed hate to win.


I was wondering/curious about all of that given the character/history/costume, etc. Thank you for the update. Appreciated!

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I am certainly not taking one side over the other, and not being heartless. I just think we can still have things without them being dragged into a political battle.


Every time I’ve seen this character “Sabra” mentioned in the last few years, all I can think of is Sabra Cadabra from Black Sabbath - great friggin song!!!

yeah, I didn’t ask the question to start anything political. She’s an interesting character and happens to be an Israeli.

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(post deleted by author)

Ok. This is getting really off track and I am going to ask people to just come back to the topic at hand.

The original question was fine. As was the answer. At this point I am afraid it is going to turn into a shouting match.

I am good with civil conversation of things. But don’t want it to devolve into an argument.