Captain Marvel #8 - Giveaway

I missed out too😭

Very generous of you! So Hey what the hell. You might not even need to ship it if I win. #atx

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Thanks for the giveaway! Enter me in please!

Thanks for the opportunity

This would be so awesome

Missed it today, my LCS sold out fast. Hope to win a copy here.

I went into the LCS with $4 and came out with $4. No CM love for me today. Maybe some CHU love?

Thanks Poyo!

That coffee being spilled on the cover is eerily familiar to what I did with my cup this morning

What hell is this?



Worth a shot


Woohoo! Thanks for the opportunity!

Vick Ramroop. Thanks for a chance at this one AP! :+1:t6::+1:t6:

Thanks for the chance to get one!

Yes please.

Pick me!! But good luck all!!

I :heart: Captain Marvel! :star2:

Hook it up!

Good luck!