CGC experience - mechanical error

My walkthrough slab for my Young Avengers was fast. The mechanical error correction is taking forever. Sigh.

Or getting the forum members to grade their books for free!


They’re on their way back…given the fast turn around I’m not hopeful they fixed anything….

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Cgc meeting: So what should we do to keep our reputation and quality control up?
Build more locations
Cut off submissions until we manage to get through our massive backlog
I know! Grading stamps

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Nothing wrong with diversity. Especially when people realize CBCS is now pumping out a superior product. Gotta fall back on something.


No scarring or scuffing!!! Clean as a whistle!!!

Finally….now I can write CGC off forever…





Not mine. But mislabeling a newsstand UF4 as a facsimile….?



There is a stark difference in value!

But CGC is the best, they never make mistakes… they’re the all mighty final authority on comics, firsts in comics, etc… I don’t believe it’s not a facsimile because CGC is the BEST!!! :crazy_face:

I saw that posted the other day. Smh what a mess.

It’ll get fixed. Mistakes happen, But just shows how bad they’re quality control is throughout the process.

This isn’t a scratch on a case, label misspelling or a subjective grade.

So many opportunities to have caught this….

Is he selling this? I’ll give him $200 right now. Decent offer if you consider it is facsimile.

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