I think they’re just sick of 80’s books. Try submitting 2022 books. Those will come back 9.8 more often…
Well, wouldn’t you want a more accurate grade than them just giving you the higher grade on books that might not actually be accurate? I would welcome more “strict” guidelines so grades are more inline with accuracy than hoping for a higher score when it doesn’t deserve a higher score.
I think they have heard the complaints and are tightening back up. I just got a box back and 4/25 modern books didn’t pass the pre screen 9.8 threshold. I am extremely picky with what I send and really cannot figure out what deductions they found on those 4 books.
There probably isn’t a solid reason.
Willing to bet if you send the 4 back in with a pre-screen; that a subset will pass.
It’s all smoke and mirrors and they revel in it. Keep us guessing that they know something we don’t.
That’s the game
Yeah, I’m not understanding the comment. Everything can’t be a 9.8. Especially 40 year old books, no matter how well you Take care of them. Most books are not 9.8s out of the box.
Great books @robotur I’m loving the spider keys. Are they for PC or flip? I ask because are u upset no 9.8 or you dont care?
these are for my personal collection, just hoped for some slightly better grades and just an observation that CGC seems to be graing tighter these days.
The fixation of 9.8 is unbelievable. It used to be 2 x the price of CGC 9.6, now sometimes it actually between 2.5X or more. The most common occurrence of this is UF4 CGC 9.8 VS CGC 9.6. If you look around, also Batman Beyond #1, BA #12 is also the same. It out of hand especially with modern. I get it it can occur with non-modern, but with modern. People…There’s even a YouTube channel called 9.8.
Given the recent shenanigan of mis graded UF4 Facsimile as the real one (AVG 3K at the time) , you think people would think about the slabbing and grading their book with more thought into it.
Nice pickups, especially the NTT #2, been eyeing them myself for the last few weeks. DC and X-Men keys are still pretty undervalued at the moment.
Agreed, that NTT 2 is a great pick up and X-Men 129 is a solid hook to have. I’m not an X-Men guy, but that book has a TON going for it.
These were the highlights of a 10 book submission that I just received yesterday.
Without fail, I had to perform secondary operations (plastic polishing the cases) and of course one case is cracked.
It is without fail. Without fail - that I need to either polish cases and/or send books back due to cracked cases every single time I receive books from CGC. It’s epidemic.
They never have cared for the visual quality of the case. Despite numerous complaints and having to reholder countless slabs.
That’s why I say don’t settle for substandard (relative to other companies even the likes of PGX who can deliver a flaw free case). Send it back because until it hits their bottom line they will not correct the problem.
Unfortunately they have such a stronghold on the market they just raise prices, including encouragement of fast tracking with long regular TATs, and people keep sending books to them. would not surprise me if they factored in a hefty amount for returned slabs into that price increase…so the cost just gets out back on the consumer instead of addressing the issue.
Personally I will not send a book into CGC until this ends. Going to be a while.
Awesome books, though!
I cannot think of another company where a secondary operation has to be performed on a new product EVERY SINGLE delivery.
I’m not exaggerating either.
For 2 - 3 straight years, I have never not had to (at the very least) polish the cases due to scuffs, abrasions, marks, etc… (and that’s a “good” shipment).
I mean wtf is going on with this company? The incompetence is off the scales with quality of delivered product. If it weren’t for the top notch $$$, the scathing vitriol they’d hear from me would be worthy of the ages.
Wow that’s terrible if you have to anticipate what will be wrong with your order every single time. Not playing favorites b/c I’ve bought CGC slabs. But I’ve never submitted to them before and I don’t think I will ever. I’ve been using CBCS since 2014. My recent order had 1 cracked slab (Strange Academy #1 9.8) out of 24. Wrote to customer service, explained it seemed to have passed QC, provided pics - received an email this morning they will send a return label to re-holder. 1st time I ever had an issue after all these years. And the cases are nice to boot.
I’ve had a case crack from CBCS…I think it happened a few months after I received it. I didn’t drop it or set other things in it. Just cracked one day. Bizarre. But that was 3 designs ago.
The only other issue I’ve had was a labeling error which is written the way it is in their system. I sent it in a few times and it came back the same….because it’s in their system that way.
It’s a typo only I care about on a book only I care about. So hard to get someone to listen to me.
I gave up and just sold the book as I had a second CGC copy.
I agree with most everything you have to say about CGC. They have serious grading and quality control issues without a doubt. My question is why do you continue to submit to them after all these years of issues? I don’t submit books to CGC because of all the issues regardless of the differences in resale prices. I’ve only submitted one to CBCS & was completely happy with my experience and results. Don’t get me wrong CBCS has issues with over grading books but their slabs don’t have Newton rings.
It’s an excellent question.
I was using both companies to submit and was slowly transitioning away from CGC due to the secondary operations I was performing.
That was up until this April when CBCS went out with a Marketing push that was beyond B.S.
The big statement in that marketing push was that “they heard the customer complaints and done X and Y”. Problem is one was an outright lie/fabrication.
If there is anything that inflames me more than consistent poor delivered product; it’s a person or entity that lies/attempts to deceive me.
That was the end of that with CBCS who I now will only use for VSP (since only CBCS offers that)
In the end, I’m picking the worse of the two because quite frankly, they are both horror shows as corporations.