CGC Slab Defects

It looked terrible. It must have had 9-10 scars.

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CGC are the worst company in the world. About 18 months, about 48 of 100 books came back with this - much worse actually! Said it was the inner well rubbing the outer, and that it was ‘within acceptable quality’ FFS! After pushing back hard they eventually relented, saying they were working hard to fix the issue. Surprise, happened again last month. Asked them to rectify and they have told me that they won’t accept any more submissions from me. What other company operates like this? Very clear they don’t give a shit about customer service, they’ve a mountain backlogged, so any complaints - tell them to take a hike!


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

If they operated in an even moderately competetive business environment they’d be out of business in a month. It’s ashame they have the monopoly and most folks think them to be the One Above All.

I use them, but the books I get back are like a hot potato. I can’t wait to unload that pile of dog exrement to those who follow the One Above All :roll_eyes:

CGC Customer Service has been great IMO and I’ve never paid for a submission or re-holder. I recently had to write them in regards to a book I bought off eBay. Luckily it was freshly graded and within the return period. They took care of it completely free and it took about 2-3 weeks altogether. It’s the 3rd or 4th book I’ve had re-holdered.

I think they’re taking on to much without having the ability to do so. I mean they’ve stated grading everything which has to add to the very long turnaround times for most people.

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Unfortunately it probably was graded accurately. But it’s really hard to tell whether it’s the book or the sleeve, which is most concerning because you’re supposed to buy the book, not the slab…but these defects make it so you can’t determine it for yourself by inspection through the plastic. That is not acceptable.

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They’ve agreed to re-holder them for a 3rd time at their expense. This time I will be writing on the slab in permanent marker and super glueing the explanation of what the defect is and what they need to do to fix it.

I’m concerned their process is to just type in the job to be done (re-holder) and do not actually look for the problem why it’s sent back, even tossing anything you include with the return explaining what the issue is.

So i feel I need to make it impossible to miss what is wrong. But I fear their system is such that one dude cracks it out and tosses the case, then send the comic still in the scarred inner sleeve off to the next dude without passing along that it’s the inner sleeve that is the issue…and Possibly just slap another case around it and send it back the same way yet again.

If that happens I’m disputing my credit card because they really did not provide me the service I paid for.

Crossing my fingers this time…


Trash companies

Cable companies

All are usually the “only game in town” for one reason or another. At least with cable companies you can try satellite :artificial_satellite: but for the most part they know they can provide crap service and get away with it.

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I consider great customer service when I don’t know the companies’ phone number.

Yes, CGC is on the ball with helping and availability, but when I can remove 1-877-NM-COMIC from my speed dial?

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The problem I find is that in some photos it is hard to distinguish between reflections, camera flashes, dust, etc and small defects. These scars looked like reflective issues in the photo and I knew a freshly graded 9.8 couldn’t possibly have so many defects. The seller was a bit put out that I returned it (albeit I did it as nicely as possible) but admitted he did not know what the marks were either.

I just received my FEDEX CGC shipment today.
When did they change grading to allow 8 very visible spine tics on a 9.6?

As someone who preaches, “buy the book, not the slab”… no where in that phrase of mine does it state one should put up with a scuffed up case where it affects the way one views the book you wanna look at.

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If it’s for the PC, Sell it, then buy the same book in the same grade but in a CBCS slab. You won’t be disappointed.

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Who knows what they allow? There definitions are very vague.

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